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Blackout Dates

Blackout dates allow you to set dates when campaigns cannot be scheduled on by users with limited marketing permissions. The blackout dates only govern the campaigns created from a template.

Things to know

  • Depending on your plan, you may not have access to the blackout dates feature. Blackout dates are only available to Accounts with the Enterprise with local store marketing add-on. Blackout dates can only be managed by Dashboard Admin and Marketing Manger user roles. Franchisee users with marketing permissions are able to view blackout dates only.

  • Once a blackout date is deleted, this cannot be undone.

  • Blackout dates are saved and displayed in UTC timezone.

  • When a user is scheduling the send time of their campaign through the use of a template, the input will prevent the selection of blackout dates (blackout dates will be greyed out).

  • You can only edit blackout dates in the future. If your start date is in the past, but your end date is in the future, the end date will still be editable.

  • Creating a blackout date when a template campaign is already scheduled will not prevent that campaign from running. Blackout dates must be created beforehand to prevent a template campaign from being scheduled.

How-to create a blackout date

  1. Navigate to Campaigns / Blackout Dates

  2. Click the “+ New Blackout Date” button

  3. Name your Blackout Date for your reference

  4. Enter the start date (the UI will allow you to select a timezone, but after it has been saved it will be saved and displayed in UTC)

  5. Enter the end date

  6. Click Save

How-to edit a blackout date

  1. Navigate to Campaigns / Blackout Dates

  2. In the row of the blackout date to be edited, click Manage / Edit.

  3. Enter changes to the blackout date and Save.

How-to delete a blackout date

  1. Navigate to Campaigns / Blackout Dates

  2. In the row of the blackout date to be edited, click Manage / Delete

  3. Confirm you want to delete the blackout date. Once confirmed, it cannot be undone.