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Export Data

Use Spendgo analytics to analyze the permormance of your program. You can get reports and insights through Dashboard Insights and Export Data sections.

In Data Exports you are able to download the following reports:

  • Fraud Detection
    Identify members with unusual activity based on those who have a high number of transactions in a single day or week time period.

  • Loyalty Liability
    Run a current balance check of your member’s unused points and rewards.

  • Member Transactions
    Retrieve a list of member transactions in a single day or 31-day period.

  • Offers
    Retrieve a list of members and their activity related to offers (earning, usage, or expiration) for a specific month or 7-day period of your choice.

  • Rewards

    Retrieve a list of members and their activity related to rewards (earning, usage, or expiration) for a specific month or 7-day period of your choice.

  • Member SSO Sign Ins
    Retrieve a list of members who signed in using Spendgo’s Single Sign On.

  • Member List
    Retrieve a list of members related to a specific favorite store of your choice.

  • Store List
    Retrieve a list of your stores.

  • Device List
    Retrieve a list your for Spendgo-enabled devices.

  • Store Performance
    Retrieve detailed store insights for a specific month of your choice.

  • Manually Uploaded Points and Offers
    Retrieve a list of points and offers manually added to member’s accounts.

  • Overview
    Retrieve your overview KPIs for a calendar year of your choice.

Things To Know

  • You must have Admin, Marketing Manager role permissions to export data.

  • Exports will expire in 14 days and be automatically deleted.

  • Spendgo also allows you to download CSV reports of your Insights results.

How-to Export Data

  1. Navigate to Insights / Export Data.

  2. Click the “+” icon or Create New Export button.

  3. Select your report and click Next.

  4. Enter the required report criteria and click Export.
    Your export will be initiated and show an “In Progress” status. Once your report status changes to “Completed”, your report is ready and the Download link will be displayed.

  5. Click Download.