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Getting Started with Infobip Email

If you are using Infobip as your email provider, there are several steps they require before you start sending emails to your Members. This process will take coordination with your Spendgo Integrations specialist to enable.

What to expect

The following are the steps and options to configure your Infobip integration:

  • Access to Infobip Portal
    Get access to your Infobip Portal. Please contact your Customer Success Manager for support.

  • Create a welcome email template
    Design your Welcome email template to be delivered to newly signed up Members.

  • Customize your domain
    If you want to send email from your own domain, please contact your Customer Success Manager for support. This step requires someone with knowledge of your domain hosting services.

  • Enable Infobip as your email provider
    Once the welcome template is ready and your custom domain (optional) is verified, your email integration with Infobip can be fully enabled. Spendgo will configure this for you.

  • Warm up your domain
    To ensure your custom domain establishes a postitive sender reputation and better deliverability, Infobip requires a warm up process.

Access to Infobip Portal

Please provide the following details to your Customer Success Manager for Admin access to your Infobip portal:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Mobile Number (required for two-factor authentication)

  • Email

An email will be sent directly to the contact’s email from Infobip with instructions on how to set their password. Once logged in, additional users can be added and email templates can be generated.
Note: We recommend not to send any emails until your domain has been verified and the integration fully enabled by the Spendgo team.

Create a welcome email template

Here’s a quick step-by-step instruction on how to create your template:

  1. Go to Moments > Templates in the left navigation bar

  2. Select "Content Email Template”

  3. Click “Create Template"

  4. Design your template, name, and save the content template

  5. Please email your Spendgo contact when complete with the following details:

    1. Welcome content template name (e.g. Welcome to Loyalty)

    2. The Welcome email subject you want to go out to Members(e.g. Welcome to Brand Rewards)

    3. Sender name (e.g. Brand Rewards)

    4. Sender email address (e.g. info@loyalty.brandname.com)

  6. Spendgo will configure your welcome email flow, test and confirm your integration is enabled. Once your domain has been verified email integration is enabled, you can begin your domain warm up at any time.

Customize your domain

For more information from Infobip, please see Infobip’s Register A New Domain guide.

  1. Log into your Infobip portal and navigate to Channels & Numbers > Email

  2. Click Add New > Domain button

  3. Enter your subdomain (e.g. loyalty.brandname.com) you will be using to send emails. Your domain must not already be in use.

  4. Enter your daily send volume

  5. Maintain the recommended DKIM length of 2048 bit

  6. Select your domain purpose. Most commonly, this will be configured for Marketing.

  7. Click “Set up domain” button. The next screen will show you the DNS records to be mapped to your subdomain.

  8. Go to your hosting provider and map the records. No other records should be associated with this domain. It can take up to 48 hours to propogate. You can check using a public tool https://dnschecker.org/ and fetch for your records to confirm your setup is complete.

    Here is a list of some of the most common domain/hosting providers on how to edit TXT records:

  9. Navigate back to the Infobip portal > Channels & Numbers > to manage your domain.

  10. Click the “Verify” button. When verified, a green check icon will display by each record and the domain status will be updated from “unverified” to “verified”.

    1. If your domain has been successfully verified, you are ready to warm up your domain.

    2. If your domain is not verified or partially verified, review the records that have a red warning icon. You can check using a public tool https://dnschecker.org/ and fetch for your records to confirm your setup matches exactly the records provided, and aligns with the requirements of your hosting provider. Once you update the configuration, you will have to reverifiy the records. Changes can take up to 48 hours to propogate.

For additional support you can also reach out to Spendgo Integrations or Infobip Support directly.

Domain Warm Up

For more information from Infobip, please see Infobip’s Automated Warmup guide.

Domain warming is the process of establishing a positive sending reputation with Internet Services Providers (ISPs) and avoiding spam folders. Before you start, here are some pointers to ensure your warm up is done to the best of its ability and boosts deliverability: 

  • Clean email databases by removing invalid emails

  • Only send emails to recipients who have signed up/opted in 

  • Do not purchase lists on scrape sites 

If your bounce rate exceeds 5% of the total traffic over the last 24 hours, the service will be temporarily blocked. This ensures your reputation remains established and doesn’t portray a high bounce rate. If you are temporarily blocked, please reach out to us for assistance.

Note: Your custom domain must first be verified before continuing onto this step.

To start the automated warm up process, create a broadcast campaign to be sent to your entire audience (assuming it’s been cleaned).
IMPORTANT Note: Depending on your entire audience size, expect your email campaign to be delivered over several days. See below for the number of days. For this reason, ensure your campaign content is not time sensitive.

  1. Navigate to Communications > Create Broadcast button

  2. Set the channel type to Email

  3. Enter in your email campaign details and create your template design
    Note: DO NOT update the Advanced Settings.

  4. Continue to preview your email and launch.

  5. Send at least 1 marketing email to your audience a month to keep your domain warmed.

The number of days it will take to send and warm-up will vary based on your audience size. By default, your daily send volume starts at 200 sends and will increase after every 24 hours and 5 minutes as your domain begins to warm up. At this time you will not be able to run any parallel email campaigns until your domain has been warmed. Below are the daily volume increments:

Day 1: 200 sends

Day 2: 500 sends

Day 3: 1,000 sends

Day 4: 2,000 sends

Day 5: 5,000 sends

Day 6: 10,000 sends

Day 7: 20,000 sends

Day 8: 40,000 sends

Day 9: 100,000 sends

Day 10: 250,000 sends

Day 11: 500,000 sends

Day 12: 1,000,000 sends

Day 13: 2,000,000 sends

Day 14: 5,000,000 sends