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Insights Glossary


Active Members

Active Members is a count of Members with any activity during the selected time period. Types of activity include when a Member associates with your account, makes a purchase, uses a reward, or uses an offer.

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Adoption Rate

Adoption Rate is calculated by dividing the count of Member transactions by all transactions during the selected time period.

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Average Ticket

Member Avg. Ticket is calculated by dividing Members Sales by the count of Member transactions during the selected time period.

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Conversions is a count of Members and Non-Members who met the campaign offer requirements on their purchase.

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The number of rewards/offer earned for the selected time period.

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Email Subscribers

The total count of email subscribers since program start through to the selected month.

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Email Subscribers New to a Store (Not Unique)

Email Subscribers New to Store (Not Unique) is a count of the Email Subscribers who first associated with a store during the selected time period. If a Member associated with multiple stores they will be counted multiple times.

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Favorite Store Members

Favorite Store Members is a count of Members based on their current favorite store and associated with your account for the first time during the selected time period

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Favorite Store Members (Starters)

Favorite Store Members (Starters) is a count of Starter Members based on their current favorite store and associated with your account for the first time during the selected time period

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Favorite Store Members (Registered)

Favorite Store Members (Registered) is a count of Registered Members based on their current favorite store and associated with your account for the first time during the selected time period

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Favorite Store Members Subscribed to Email

Favorite Store Members Subscribed to Email is a count of Members currently subscribed to email based on their current favorite store and associated with your account for the first time during the selected time period

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Favorite Store Members Subscribed to Text

Favorite Store Members Subscribed to Text is a count of Members currently subscribed to Text (SMS) messaging based on their current favorite store and associated with your account for the first time during the selected time period

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Member Adoption Rate

Adoption Rate is calculated by dividing the count of Member transactions by all transactions during the selected time period.

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Member Avg. Ticket

Member Avg. Ticket is calculated by dividing Members Sales by the count of Member transactions during the selected time period.

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Members Converted

The number of unique members who have achieved the campaign goals.

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Member Frequency

Member Frequency is calculated by dividing the count of unique Members who made at least 1 visit by the total count of Member visits during the selected time period.

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Members New to Store (Not Unique)

Members New to Store (Not Unique) is a count of the Members who first associated with a store during the selected time period. If a Member associated with multiple stores they will be counted multiple times.

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Member Sales

Member Sales is a sum of the gross sales (may include taxes, tips, and other fees) from Member transactions during the selected time period.

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Member Visits

Member Visits is a count of the Member transactions or check-ins during the selected time period.

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New Members

New Members is the count of Members who associated with your account for the first time during the selected time period.

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Non-Member Average Ticket

Non-Member Avg. Ticket is calculated by dividing Non-Members Sales by the count of Non-Member transactions during the selected time period.

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Non-Member Sales

Non-Member Sales is a sum of the gross sales (may include taxes, tips, and other fees) from Non-Member transactions during the selected time period.

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Offers/Rewards Used

The total number of offers and rewards used within the selected time period.

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Registered Members

Registered Members is a count of Members who have verified their account and who have ever associated with the selected store(s). Dates are derived from the first time a Member associated with the selected store. When filtering for multiple stores, a member who is associated with multiple stores, will only be counted once.

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Starter Members

Starter Members is a count of Members who have not verified their account and who have ever associated with the selected store(s). Dates are derived from the first time a Member associated with the selected store. When filtering for multiple stores, a member who is associated with multiple stores, will only be counted once.

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Store Locations

Store locations identifies the different stores within your account. It also allows you to filter your insights based on the store location source of the data.

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Text Subscribers

Text Subscribers is a count of Members currently subscribed to Text Messaging (SMS) who have ever associated with the selected store(s). Dates are derived from the first time a Member associated with the selected store. When filtering for multiple stores, a member who is associated with multiple stores, will only be counted once.

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Text Subscribers New to a Store (Not Unique)

Text Subscribers New to Store (Not Unique) is a count of the Text Subscriberswho first associated with a store during the selected time period. If a Member associated with multiple stores they will be counted multiple times.

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Total Members

Total Members is a sum of Starter and Registered Members who have ever associated with the selected store(s). Dates are derived from the first time a Member associated with the selected store. When filtering for multiple stores, a member who is associated with multiple stores, will only be counted once.

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The total number of rewards or offers that have been redeemed within the selected time period.

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