Requested Password Reset

When a member requests a password reset, they must provide their account email through the Member Portal forgot password page or through the Spendgo APIs. Once this request has been submitted, the member will be sent a password reset link that directs them to provide and confirm their new password.

You have the option to define how a member can receive their password reset link — either by Spendgo’s default email notifications, text notifications, or your third party email integration.


Via Default Spendgo Email

No setup is required, this is automatically enabled using the Spendgo template and sent from ‘’.


Via Text Notification

In the Spendgo dashboard you can enable the Requested Password Reset text notification:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Notifications

  2. Create a new notification

  3. Select the notification type Requested Password Reset and click Next Step

  4. Enter a unique Event Name

  5. Define whether to require opt-in for members.
    Note: We recommend to leave require opt-in turned off; you will want all requests to receive this one-time notification.

  6. Select your medium as Text

  7. Enter in your text message content and click Next Step. For more info, see Text Message Compliance
    Note: The unique reset password link is automatically appended to the end of each member’s message on send. A placeholder link "" is displayed in the UI.

  8. Review and confirm by clicking to Create your notification


Via 3rd-Party Email Notification

The benefit of using your email integration is to send the link within your own template and from your own domain. In the Spendgo dashboard you can enable the Requested Password Reset email notification:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Notifications

  2. Create a new notification

  3. Select the notification type Requested Password Reset and click Next Step

  4. Enter a unique Event Name
    Note: Jot down the event name as you have entered it. You will use this to map your event to the mailing in your email provider platform.

  5. Select your medium as Email

  6. Review and confirm by clicking to Create your notification

  7. Log into your integrated email provider platform to create your template. Insert the reset password link placeholder into your template. See notification placeholders.

  8. Configure your event name trigger and complete the setup.

Helpful links:

Setup a custom event in Emma
Setup an automated event API in Mailchimp
Event notification placeholders

Both Emma and MailChimp require emails to be subscribed in order to send an email. This is a limitation that can result in some members not receiving their notification.


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