For Businesses Spendgo For Businesses Spendgo

Create and Send to an Audience

In this article, you'll learn how to create an audience from the campaign builder. You’ll also learn how to send a campaign to existing audiences, or new audiences.


Create a New Audience within the Campaign Builder

  1. Navigate to Campaigns / Create.
  1. Select your campaign automation to send on a Date & Time or Recurring interval.

Note: if you select Recurring, you will need to define the cadence at which your campaign will send.

  1. Select your action to send an offer, email, or text message.

  1. Prepare and enter your offer details, email campaign mapping or text message details.
  1. Click Next Step.
  1. Turn the audience Segment ON.

  1. To build a new audience in the campaign builder, keep who you are sending to as + New Audience.

  1. Give your new audience an easily identifiable Name.

  1. Define whether your audience is to match any or all of the filters.

  1. Click (+) to add your first filter criteria.

  1. Select filter and set its conditions.

For example, to target those who lapsed 90 days, enter Visits | is | 0 | within last (days) | Enter value input days (e.g. Visits | is | 0 | with last (days) | 90).

(Optional) Click (+) to add new filters or (-) in a row to remove any filter parameters.

  1. Review your audience settings and click Next Step.
  1. Enter a unique Campaign Name for your internal reference.

  1. Schedule your campaign Start Date and time.

  1. Schedule your campaign End Date and time.

(Recurring campaigns only) Schedule your campaign End Date and time. If this is not defined, your campaign will be ongoing with no end date.

  1. Review your campaign details and click on Schedule.


 Create a Campaign Targeted to Exisitng Audience

  1. Navigate to Campaigns / Create.
  1. Select your campaign automation to send on a Date & Time or Recurring interval.

Note: if you select Recurring, you will need to define the cadence at which your campaign will send.

  1. Select your action to send an offer, email, or text message.

  1. Prepare and enter your offer details, email campaign mapping or text message details.
  1. Click Next Step.
  1. Turn the audience Segment ON.

  1. Choose who you are sending to from the dropdown of saved audiences and click Next Step.

  1. Enter a unique Campaign Name for your internal reference.

  1. Schedule your campaign Start Date and time.

  1. Schedule your campaign End Date and time.

(Recurring campaigns only) Schedule your campaign End Date and time. If this is not defined, your campaign will be ongoing with no end date.

  1. Review your campaign details and click on Schedule.
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For Businesses Spendgo For Businesses Spendgo

Common Audience Filter Combinations

Spendgo offers many filter options, so you can target the right members with offers or messaging. There are endless possibilities when it comes to creating audiences in Spendgo, but there are some commonly used combinations for certain campaign goals.

In this article, you’ll learn how to create filter combinations for many common uses.

Things To Know

  • When using the campaign builder to send communications, make sure you have SMS messaging and/or email enabled in your account. While you can manually export and import audiences into third-party providers without integration, this isn't ideal for daily deliveries at scale. If you haven't set up email or SMS yet, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager to enable these channels and make the most of dynamic audiences.

  • When sending email or SMS messages, you will want to add the filter condition to target members who are subscribed to the specific channel you’re targeting. Add the following filter conditions

    • For targeting email subscribers, set the filter to Email Opt-in | is true.

    • For targeting SMS subscribers, set the filter to SMS Opt-in | is true.

Offer Expiring Soon

You can send email or SMS reminders to members whose offer is close to expiring. This encourages them to return, make a purchase, and utilize their offer. In this instance, we'll target an audience with their birthday offer expiring in 7 days as an example.

  1. Choose all from the Members match dropdown.

  2. Click (+) Add

  3. For the first condition, set the filter to Offer Expiry | for | Choose your offer | is in (days) | Enter value input days (e.g. Offer Expiry | for | Birthday $10 Off | is in (days) | 7).

  4. Click (+) Add

  5. For the second condition, set the filter to Offer Not Used | for | Choose your offer | is true (e.g. Offer Not Used | for | Birthday $10 Off | is true).

Lapsed Members

Get in touch with members who haven't visited recently and encourage them to return soon. In this example, we’ll target an audience who has not made a visit in over 90 days.

  1. Choose all from the Members match dropdown.

  2. Click (+) Add

  3. For the first condition, set the filter to Visits | is | 0 | with last (hours) | Enter value input days (e.g. Visits | is | 0 | with last (hours) | 2160).

    Note: Hours is used instead of days to be more accurate to the member’s local time. Days are calculated in UTC, which means visits that may have occurred in the evening local time (within the Americas) can be logged in the next day UTC time.

New Registered Members

You can welcome new members and build their loyalty with your brand. In this example, we’ll target an audience who joined your brand yesterday.

  1. Choose all from the Members match dropdown.

  2. Click (+) Add

  3. For the first condition, set the filter to Brand Join Date | within last (hours) | Enter value input days (e.g. Brand Join Date | within last (hours) | 34).

    Note: this hour value is calculated based on 1 day in hours, plus the time at which the campaign is sent. For instance, if your campaign is sent at 10 am, the calculation would be 24 hours (1 day) plus 10 hours, resulting in 34 hours.

  4. Click (+) Add

  5. For the second condition, set the filter to Brand Join Date | not within last (hours) | Enter value input days (e.g. Brand Join Date | not within last (hours) | 10).
    Note: this hour value is calculated based on the time at which the campaign is sent. For instance, if your campaign is sent at 10 am, I want to exclude the members who joined within the last 10 hours from the filter.

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For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo

All Audience Filter Options

Our filter options are extensive, so you can choose a single condition or combine multiple conditions with positive and negative relationships to target the right members for each of your campaigns.

In this article, you'll find all the audience filter criteria available to you. For more information about filters, check out our Common Audience Filter Combinations articles, too.

For each filter condition we show here, you'll find a short description of what it controls, and a table that displays all of the options in the drop-down menus. In most cases, there are only three choices to make, but for some condition types, a fourth drop-down menu will appear.

Things To Know

  • Day filters are calculated based on the Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) timezone and include the current day when the audience is gathered. It's important to note that UTC days may start and end earlier than your local timezone. When setting up campaigns, consider how this impacts your filter criteria and scheduling.

    If you schedule a campaign for the afternoon (like 5pm Pacific or later), it could result in members falling into the following UTC day. For example, if you schedule a campaign for 10am PST on August 7th with an audience filter of within 7 days, it will include members who meet the condition from August 1st to August 7th.

    However, if you schedule a campaign for 6pm PST on August 7th (which is August 8th, 1:00 UTC), it will include members who meet the condition from August 2nd to August 8th PST.

    An alternative approach is to use hours instead of days when configuring your filters.


Filters members based on their age.

Operators Actions
  • is
  • is not
  • is greater than
  • is less than
Choose a value input.


  • Members who are 20 years old

  • Members who are not 18 years old

  • Members who are greater than 18 years old

  • Members who are less than 50 years old.

Average Ticket

Filters members based on their average ticket, which is calculated by dividing the combined order subtotals by the number of orders within a set time period.

Operators Actions Options
  • is
  • is not
  • is greater than
  • is less than
Choose a dollar value input.
  • between 2 dates
  • not within last [#] of days
  • within last [#] of days
  • within last [#] of hours


  • Member’s whose average ticket is $10 between August 1st, 2023 and August 8th, 2023 (between is not inclusive of the start and end dates).

  • Member’s whose average ticket is not $10 within the last 7 days.

  • Member’s whose average ticket is greater than $10 not within the last (i.e. before the last) 7 days.

  • Member’s whose average ticket is less than $10 within the last 24 hours.


Filters members based on their birthday details.

Operators Actions
  • days before
  • is blank
  • is not blank
  • month is
  • is mm/dd
Choose month, enter date or enter value input.


  • Member’s whose birthday preference is blank.

  • Member’s whose birthday preference is not blank.

  • Member’s whose birthday is in January.

  • Member’s whose birthday is on the exact date August 1.

  • Member’s whose birthday is in 7 days (which is 7 days before in the audience builder).
    When a member’s birthday is in 7 days, this means 7 days prior to a member’s birthday they will enter the audience). Note: days are calculated based on UTC timezone. Keep in mind, days end earlier in North America depending on your timezone. If you plan to run a same-day campaign to issue an offer to members with their birthday today (i.e. is in 0 days), the campaign should start no later than 4:00pm PST (00:00 UTC the following day). Otherwise, the campaign will inadvertently target birthdays that fall on the next day.

Brand Join Date

Filter members based on the date they first joined your program.

Operators Actions
  • between 2 dates
  • is on fixed date (mm/dd/yyyy)
  • is after fixed date (mm/dd/yyy)
  • is before fixed date (mm/dd/yyy)
  • is not on fixed date (mm/dd/yyyy)
  • not within last [#] of days
  • within last [#] of days
  • within last [#] of hours
Choose dates or enter value input.


  • Member’s who joined your brand’s program between August 1, 2023 and September 1, 2023.

  • Member’s who joined your brand’s program on August 1, 2023.

  • Member’s who joined your brand’s program after August 1, 2023.

  • Member’s who joined your brand’s program before August 8, 2023.

  • Member’s who joined your brand’s program before the last 7 days (i.e. not within last 7 days).

  • Member’s who joined your brand’s program within the last 7 days.

Email Opt-in Status

Filters members based on their email subscription status.

  • is
  • is not
Choose subsctipion status of “True” for subscribed to Email, or “False” for not subscribed to Email.


  • Member’s who are subscribed to Email.

  • Member’s who are not subscribed to Email.

Favorite Store Settings

Filters members based on their favorite store settings.

Operators Actions
  • is
  • is not
Choose or upload the favorite store preference(s).


  • Member’s whose favorite store is the San Francisco location.

  • Member’s whose favorite store is not one of the locations: San Francisco, Daly City or Palo Alto.

First Visit

Filters members based on when their first visit was made. A first visit is most commonly the first purchase made by a member with your brand. In some cases, this can also be a customer who joins your program through an in-store device without making a purchase.

Operators Actions
  • is on fixed date (mm/dd/yyyy)
  • is after fixed date (mm/dd/yyy)
  • is before fixed date (mm/dd/yyy)
  • is within [#] of days
  • is not within last [#] of days
Choose dates or enter value input.


  • Member’s who made their first visit on August 1, 2023.

  • Member’s who made their first visit after August 8, 2023.

  • Member’s who made their first visit before August 1, 2023.

  • Member’s whose first visit was not within the last 7 days.

Note: We do not recommend using the is within condition. The result will always be zero; it looks for a future date that cannot be predetermined. This condition is being deprecated in the next release.


Filter members by their gender.

Operators Actions
  • is
  • is not
Choose the gender preference of male, female, or undefined.


  • Member’s who identify as male.

  • Member’s who do not identify as female.

Loyalty Status

Filters members by their loyalty status of Starter or Registered. A starter member is an entry-level member who has not completed their profile. A registered member has completed their registration process by providing the minimum of their phone, email, password and has verified their email account.

Operators Actions
  • is
  • is not
Choose the loyalty status of Starter or Registered.


  • Member’s whose loyalty status is Starter.

  • Member’s whose loyalty status is not Registered.


Offer Activity

Offer data is available in the filter options, so you can identify members who earned, used, did not use, or expired a specific offer in a time period. When a member has multiple of the specified offer in their balance, all of the offers will be taken into consideration in the filter.

Note: Purchase Item, Purchase Total, Registration points campaigns will not appear in the offer options.

Parameters Options Operators
Offer earned Choose the specific offer.
  • is after fixed date (mm/dd/yyy)
  • is before fixed date (mm/dd/yyy)
  • is true
  • not within last [#] of days
  • within last [#] of days
  • within last [#] of hours
    Offer not earned Choose the specific offer.
    • is true
      Offer not used Choose the specific offer.
      • is after fixed date (mm/dd/yyy)
      • is before fixed date (mm/dd/yyy)
      • is true
      • within last [#] of days
        Offer expiry Choose the specific offer.
        • is after fixed date (mm/dd/yyy)
        • is before fixed date (mm/dd/yyy)
        • is blank
        • is in [#] days
        • is not blank
        • is true
        • within last [#] of days
          Offer used Choose the specific offer.
          • is after fixed date (mm/dd/yyy)
          • is before fixed date (mm/dd/yyy)
          • is true
          • not within last [#] of days
          • within last [#] of days


            • Member’s who earned a $5 off offer after August 1, 2023.

            • Member’s who earned their Welcome offer within the last 48 hours.

            • Member’s who did not earn the Special BOGO offer.

            • Member’s who did not use their Special BOGO offer.

            • Member’s whose $5 off expiry date is within 7 days from today.

            • Member’s who used their Special BOGO offer before the last 7 days (i.e. not within the last 7 days)

            Points Balance

            Filters members based on their available points balance at the time the audience is applied. This excludes points that have already convereted or been used towards offers.

            Operators Actions
            • between [#-#] point range
            • is [#] points
            • is greater than [#] points
            • is less than [#] points
            • is not [#] points
            Choose the point input value.


            • Member’s whose current point balance is 39-50 points (i.e. member’s who have 40-49 points in their account).

            • Member’s whose current point balance is 10 points.

            • Member’s whose current point balance is greater than 10 points.

            • Member’s whose current point balance is greater than 20 points.

            • Member’s whose current point balance is not 10 points.

            Reward Activity

            Reward data is available in the filter options, so you can identify members who earned, used, did not use, or the reward expired in a time period. When a member has multiple rewards in their balance, all of their rewards will be taken into consideration in the filter.

            Rewards is a legacy filter and all discounts have been migrated to use the Offers terminology.

            Parameters Options Operators
            • Reward earned
            • Reward not used
            • Reward used
            Choose the specific reward.
            • is after fixed date (mm/dd/yyy)
            • is before fixed date (mm/dd/yyy)
            • is true
            • is within last [#] of days
            • Reward expiry
            Choose the specific reward.
            • is after fixed date (mm/dd/yyy)
            • is before fixed date (mm/dd/yyy)
            • is blank
            • is in [#] days
            • is not blank
            • within last [#] of days


            • Member’s whose $5 off reward was earned.

            • Member’s whose $5 off reward was earned after August 1, 2023.

            • Member’s whose $5 off reward was not used before August 1, 2023.

            • Member’s whose $5 off reward was used within the last 7 days.

            • Member’s whose $5 off reward expires after August 1, 2023.

            • Member’s whose $5 off reward does not expire (i.e. offer expiry is blank).



            Filters members by the total amount they’ve spent within a timeframe. The timeframe is between the start of a date to the start of the next date.

            Operators Actions Options
            • is
            • is greater than
            • is less than
            • is not
            Choose the dollar input value.
            • between 2 dates
            • not within last [#] of days
            • within last [#] of days
            • within last [#] of hours


            • Member’s whose spend is $1000 between Jan 1, 2023 and Jan 1, 2024.

            • Member’s whose spend is greater than $50 within the last 10 days

            • Member’s whose spend is less than $100 within the last 48 hours

            • Member’s whose spend is greater than $1000 not within the last 24 hours.

            Text Opt-in Status

            Filters members based on whether they are subscribed to your text marketing.

            • is
            • is not
            Choose subsctipion status of “True” for subscribed to your text marketing, or “False” for not subscribed to your text marketing.


            • Member’s who are subscribed to receive text messages from your brand.

            • Member’s who are not subscribed to receive text messages from your brand.


            Filters members based on their total number of visits within a specified timeframe.

            Operators Actions Options
            • is
            • is greater than
            • is less than
            • is not
            Choose the visit count.
            • between 2 dates
            • not within last [#] of days
            • within last [#] of days
            • within last [#] of hours


            • Member’s whose visit count is 2 beteen the dates of August 1, 2023 and August 8, 2023.

            • Member’s whose visit count is greater than 1 within last 7 days (i.e. member has visit count of 2 or more)

            • Member’s whose visit count is not 0 within the last 2 days.

            • Member’s whose visit count is less than 10 within the last 7 days (i.e. member has visit count of 9 or less).

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            For Businesses Spendgo For Businesses Spendgo

            Getting Started with Audiences

            Audiences are a list of a member’s you can send a campaign to. You can use you’re member’s profile and historical activity to filter member’s into a dynamic audience. For example, you may want to send a text message and offer to your text subscribers who have not made a purchase in the last 60 days. Spendgo offers a lot of audience filter options, so you can make the most out of your audience.

            Here are some examples of audiences you can create:

            • SMS subscribed members who spent more than $100 within the last 7 days.

            • Email subscribed members who didn't use their Birthday offer.

            • Member’s who recently made a purchase.

            • Member’s whose average ticket is $20 in the month of August.

            • Member’s who joined recently and has not used their welcome offer.

            • Member’s who haven’t visited in the last 90 days.

            In this article, you'll learn how to create and implement an audience.

            Things To Know

            Here are some things you should know about your audiences.

            • Audiences are dynamic, meaning members can move in and out of an audience based on the filter criteria and the time at which the audience is applied.

            • Audiences are compatible with the Date & Time and Recurring automations.

            • Days are calculated based on the Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) timezone and include the current day when the audience is gathered. It's important to note that UTC days may start and end earlier than your local timezone. When setting up campaigns, consider how this impacts your filter criteria and scheduling.

              If you schedule a campaign for the afternoon (like 5pm Pacific or later), it could result in members falling into the following UTC day. For example, if you schedule a campaign for 10am PST on August 7th with an audience filter of within 7 days, it will include members who meet the condition from August 1st to August 7th.

              However, if you schedule a campaign for 6pm PST on August 7th (which is August 8th, 1:00 UTC), it will include members who meet the condition from August 2nd to August 8th PST.

              An alternative approach is to use hours instead of days when configuring your filters.


            • Filter
              We use the term 'filter' in two ways. As a verb, 'to filter' means categorizing similar members into a resulting list known as an audience. The noun 'audience filters' define the criteria for querying and identifying members who share similarities.

            • Conditions
              The rules that determine what filters members into an audience.

            • Logic
              The and/or variable that determines whether a single or all conditions must be true in an audience.

            About Filters

            When you create audience filters, you'll set conditions to filter members. Depending on the audience’s logic of and/or, only 1 or all conditions must be met.

            Term Meaning Example
            All This logic tells our system to filter members who meet all of your conditions. All members who made a purchase recently.
            Any This logic tells our system to filter members who meet 1 or more of your conditions. Any members who earned a BOGO offer or the Free Item offer.

            Create An Audience

            Audiences can be built either in the audience builder or as a step in the campaign creation process. The following instructions are how to create an audience in the Audience builder.

            To create a new audience in your Spendgo account, follow these steps.

            1. Click the Audience icon in the left bar.

            2. Click Add New Audience or the + icon.

            3. Give your audience a unique name.

            4. Define whether your audience is to match any or all of the filters.

            5. Click (+) to add your first filter criteria.

            6. Select the filter parameter.

            7. Enter the filter conditions.
              Click (+) to add new filters or (-) in a row to remove any filter parameters.

            8. Review your audience settings and click Save.


            All Audience Filter Options
            Common Audience Filter Combinations

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            For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo

            Audience Filters

            To create an audience, see Managing Audiences help guide. Audiences are dynamic and member’s can move in and out of an audience based on the filters defined. Each filter has different parameters and settings as listed in the examples below:


            Filters members based on their age.

            • is - member’s age is [n] years old

            • is not - member’s age is not [n] years old

            • is greater than - member’s age is greater than [n] years old (e.g. Age is greater than 30, means 31 and older).

            • is less than - member’s age is less than [n] years old (e.g. Age is less than 30, means 29 and younger).


            Average Ticket

            Filters members based on their average ticket – the sum of their order totals, over the number of orders – within a specified timeframe.

            • is - member’s average ticket is [$]

            • is not - member’s average ticket is not [$]

            • is greater than - member’s average ticket is greater than [$] (e.g. average ticket is greater than $100, means member’s who’ve spent on average $100.01 or more).

            • is less than - member’s average ticket is less than [$] (e.g. average ticket is less than $100, means member’s who’ve spent on average $99.99 or less)


            • between specified date range (e.g. between 1/1/2020-1/31/2020).
              Note: date default is set to 00:00:00 UTC.

            • within last [n] days.



            Filters members based on their birthday details.

            • is blank - member’s birthday is set in their profile.

            • is not blank - member’s birthday is not set in their profile.

            • month is - member’s birthday month is [month] (e.g. month is January).

            • is (mm/dd) - member’s exact birthday is [mm/dd].

            • days before - [n] days before the member’s birthday (e.g. 15 days before birthday, means when it is exactly 15 days before a member’s birthday they will enter the audience).


            Email Opt-in Status

            Filters members based on their email subscription status.

            • is - member’s email opt-in status is “true” for subscribed, or “false” for unsubscribed.

            • is not - member’s email opt-in status is not “true” for subscribed, or “false” for unsubscribed.


            Favorite Store

            Filters members based on their favorite store settings.

            • is - member’s favorite store is [favorite store location(s)].

            • is not - member’s favorite store is not [favorite store location(s)].


            First Visit

            Filters members based on when their first visit was made.

            • is - member’s first visit was on date [mm/dd/yyyy].

            • is within - member’s first visit was within [n] days (e.g. first visit was within 5 days).
              Note: the starting reference date – is within [n] days from [mm/dd/yyyy] – can be the campaign start date and/or a moving date based on the recurring date(s) a campaign is set to run.

            • is not within - member’s first visit was not within last [n] days (e.g. first visit was not within last 5 days).
              Note: the starting reference date – is within [n] days from [mm/dd/yyyy] – can be the campaign start date and/or a moving date based on the recurring date(s) a campaign is set to run.

            • is before - member’s first visit was before date [mm/dd/yyyy].

            • is after - member’s first visit was after date [mm/dd/yyyy].



            Filter members by their gender.

            • is - member’s gender is “male”, “female” or “undefined”.

            • is not - member’s gender is not “male” or “female” or “undefined”.


            Loyalty Status

            Filters members by their loyalty status of Starter or Registered. A starter member is an entry-level member who has not completed their profile. A registered member has completed their registration process by providing the minimum of their phone, email, password and has verified their email account.

            • is - member’s loyalty status is “starter” or “registered”.

            • is not - member’s loyalty status is not “starter” or “registered”.


            Offer Earned

            Filters members based on when a specified offer has been earned. When a member has multiple of the specified offer in their balance, all of the offers will be taken into consideration in the filter.

            The new automatically earned Points Threshold, which replaces the spending base rewards, will now appear within the offer event categories.

            • is before - member’s specified offer was earned before [mm/dd/yyyy] date.

            • is after - member’s specified offer was earned after [mm/dd/yyyy] date.

            • within last - member’s specified offer was earned within last [n] days.

            • is true - member’s specified offer was earned.


            Offer Used

            Filters members based on when a specified offer has been used. When a member has multiple of the specified offer in their balance, all of the offers will be taken into consideration in the filter.

            The new automatically earned Points Threshold, which replaces the spending base rewards, will now appear within the offer event categories.

            • is before - member’s specified offer was used before [mm/dd/yyyy] date.

            • is after - member’s specified offer was used after [mm/dd/yyyy] date.

            • within last - member’s specified offer was used within last [n] days.

            • is true - member’s specified offer was used.


            Offer Not Used

            Filters members based on when a specified offer has not been used. When a member has multiple of the specified offer in their balance, all of the offers will be taken into consideration in the filter.

            The new automatically earned Points Threshold, which replaces the spending base rewards, will now appear within the offer event categories.

            • is before - member’s specified offer has not been used before [mm/dd/yyyy] date.

            • is after - member’s specified offer has not been used after [mm/dd/yyyy] date.

            • within last - member’s specified offer has not been used within last [n] days.

            • is true - member’s specified offer has not been used.


            Offer Expiry

            Filters members based on when a specified offer expires. When a member has multiple of the specified offer in their balance, all of the offers will be taken into consideration in the filter.

            The new automatically earned Points Threshold, which replaces the spending base rewards, will now appear within the offer event categories.

            • is in - member’s specified offer expiry is in exactly [n] days.

            • is within - member’s specified offer expiry is within the next [n] days .

            • is blank - member’s specified offer expiry is blank (i.e. the offer has no expiration date).

            • is not blank - member’s specified offer expiry is not blank (i.e. the offer has an expiration date).

            • is before - member’s specified offer expiry is before [mm/dd/yyyy] date.

            • is after - member’s specified offer expiry is after [mm/dd/yyyy] date.

            • within last - member’s specified offer expiry is within last [n] days.


            Reward Earned

            Filters members based on when their reward has been earned. When a member has multiple rewards in their balance, all of their rewards will be taken into consideration in the filter.

            Spending rewards are being migrated to the new automatically earned Points Threshold. If your account has not yet been migrated, you will continue to use the rewards earned filters. Once migrated, you will use the offer earned filter.

            • is before - member earned a reward before [mm/dd/yyyy] date.

            • is after - member earned a reward after [mm/dd/yyyy] date.

            • within last - member earned a reward within last [n] days.

            • is true - member earned a reward.


            Reward Used

            Filters members based on when their reward has been used. When a member has multiple rewards in their balance, all of their rewards will be taken into consideration in the filter.

            Spending rewards are being migrated to the new automatically earned Points Threshold. If your account has not yet been migrated, you will continue to use the rewards used filters. Once migrated, you will use the offer earned filter.

            • is before - member has used their reward before [mm/dd/yyyy] date.

            • is after - member has used their reward after [mm/dd/yyyy] date.

            • within last - member has used their reward within last [n] days.

            • is true - member has used their reward.


            Reward Not Used

            Filters members based their unused rewards. When a member has multiple rewards in their balance, all of their rewards will be taken into consideration in the filter.

            Spending rewards are being migrated to the new automatically earned Points Threshold. If your account has not yet been migrated, you will continue to use the rewards not used filters. Once migrated, you will use the offer earned filter.

            • is before - member has not used a reward before [mm/dd/yyyy] date.

            • is after - member has not used a reward after [mm/dd/yyyy] date.

            • within last - member has not used a reward within last [n] days.

            • is true - member has not used their reward.


            Reward Expiry

            Filters members based on when their reward expires. When a member has multiple rewards in their balance, all of their rewards will be taken into consideration in the filter.

            Spending rewards are being migrated to the new automatically earned Points Threshold. If your account has not yet been migrated, you will continue to use the rewards expiry filters. Once migrated, you will use the offer earned filter.

            • is blank - member’s reward expiry is blank (i.e. the reward has no expiration date).

            • is not blank - member’s reward expiry is not blank (i.e. the reward has an expiration date).

            • is before - member’s reward expiry is before [mm/dd/yyyy] date.

            • is after - member’s reward expiry is after [mm/dd/yyyy] date.

            • within last - member’s reward expiry is within last [n] days.



            Filters members by the total amount they’ve spent within a timeframe. The timeframe is between the start of a date to the start of the next date.

            • is - member’s spend is [$] within a specified timeframe.

            • is not - member’s spend is not [$] within a specified timeframe.

            • is greater than - member’s spend is greater than [$] within a specified timeframe (e.g. spend is greater than $100, means member’s who’ve spent $100.01 or more within the specified timeframe).

            • is less than - member’s spend is less than [$] within a specified timeframe (e.g. spend is less than $100, means member’s who’ve spent $99.99 or less within the specified timeframe).


            • between specified date range (e.g. between 1/1/2020-1/31/2020).
              Note: date default is set to 00:00:00 UTC.

            • within last [n] days.


            Text Opt-in Status

            Filters members by their text messaging subscription status.

            • is - member’s text opt-in status is “true” for subscribed, or “false” for unsubscribed.

            • is not - member’s text opt-in status is not “true” for subscribed, or “false” for unsubscribed.



            Filters members based on their total number of visits or a visit range within a specified timeframe.

            • is - member’s number of visits is [n] visits within a specified timeframe.

            • is not - member’s number of visits is not [n] visits within a specified timeframe.

            • is greater than - member’s number of visits is greater than [n] visits within a specified timeframe (e.g. visit count is greater than 5, means member’s who’ve visited 6 or more times within the specified timeframe).

            • is less than - member’s number of visits is less than [n] visits within a specified timeframe (e.g. visit count is less than 5, means member’s who’ve visited 4 or less times within the specified timeframe).


            • between specified date range (e.g. between 1/1/2020-1/31/2020).
              Note: date default is set to 00:00:00 UTC.

            • within last [n] days.

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            For Businesses Spendgo For Businesses Spendgo

            Manage Audiences

            In the Audience page, you can view, create, edit, and make a copy of your audiences. 

            In this article, you'll learn how to manage and implement an audience.

            Things To Know

            • We do not allow deletion of audiences that are associated with campaigns because these are often tied to campaigns and reporting.


            Create An Audience

            Audiences can be built either in the audience builder or as a step in the campaign creation process. The following instructions are how to create an audience in the Audience builder.

            To create a new audience in your Spendgo account, follow these steps.

            1. Click the Audience icon in the left bar.

            2. Click Add New Audience or the + icon.

            3. Give your audience a unique name.

            4. Define whether your audience is to match any or all of the filters.

            5. Click to add your first filter criteria.

            6. Select the filter condition.

            7. Enter the filter conditions.
              Click to add new filters or in a row to remove any filter parameters.

            8. Review your audience settings and click Save.

            Delete An Audience

            1. Click the Audience icon in the left bar.

            2. In the audience row you want to edit, click Manage / Delete.

            3. An onscreen message will ask you to confirm you want to delete the audience. Confirm by clicking the Delete button.

            Duplicate An Audience

            1. Click the Audience icon in the left bar.

            2. In the audience row you want to copy, click Manage / Duplicate. A copy of your audience with it’s filter criteria and audience name ending with “_copy” displayed. The audience is not created until it is saved

            3. Keep or give your audience a unique name.

            4. Keep or update your audience filter criteria and click Save.

            Edit An Audience

            1. Click the Audience icon in the left bar.

            2. In the audience row you want to edit, click Manage / Edit.

            3. Update your audience filter criteria and click Save.

            Export An Audience

            1. Click the Audience icon in the left bar.

            2. In the audience row you want to edit, click Manage / Export.

            3. Your report download will begin processing. Once ready, it will be available in your Insights / Export Data history.

            Note: for larger audiences, this process may take up to 90 minutes.

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