For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo

All Audience Filter Options

Our filter options are extensive, so you can choose a single condition or combine multiple conditions with positive and negative relationships to target the right members for each of your campaigns.

In this article, you'll find all the audience filter criteria available to you. For more information about filters, check out our Common Audience Filter Combinations articles, too.

For each filter condition we show here, you'll find a short description of what it controls, and a table that displays all of the options in the drop-down menus. In most cases, there are only three choices to make, but for some condition types, a fourth drop-down menu will appear.

Things To Know

  • Day filters are calculated based on the Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) timezone and include the current day when the audience is gathered. It's important to note that UTC days may start and end earlier than your local timezone. When setting up campaigns, consider how this impacts your filter criteria and scheduling.

    If you schedule a campaign for the afternoon (like 5pm Pacific or later), it could result in members falling into the following UTC day. For example, if you schedule a campaign for 10am PST on August 7th with an audience filter of within 7 days, it will include members who meet the condition from August 1st to August 7th.

    However, if you schedule a campaign for 6pm PST on August 7th (which is August 8th, 1:00 UTC), it will include members who meet the condition from August 2nd to August 8th PST.

    An alternative approach is to use hours instead of days when configuring your filters.


Filters members based on their age.

Operators Actions
  • is
  • is not
  • is greater than
  • is less than
Choose a value input.


  • Members who are 20 years old

  • Members who are not 18 years old

  • Members who are greater than 18 years old

  • Members who are less than 50 years old.

Average Ticket

Filters members based on their average ticket, which is calculated by dividing the combined order subtotals by the number of orders within a set time period.

Operators Actions Options
  • is
  • is not
  • is greater than
  • is less than
Choose a dollar value input.
  • between 2 dates
  • not within last [#] of days
  • within last [#] of days
  • within last [#] of hours


  • Member’s whose average ticket is $10 between August 1st, 2023 and August 8th, 2023 (between is not inclusive of the start and end dates).

  • Member’s whose average ticket is not $10 within the last 7 days.

  • Member’s whose average ticket is greater than $10 not within the last (i.e. before the last) 7 days.

  • Member’s whose average ticket is less than $10 within the last 24 hours.


Filters members based on their birthday details.

Operators Actions
  • days before
  • is blank
  • is not blank
  • month is
  • is mm/dd
Choose month, enter date or enter value input.


  • Member’s whose birthday preference is blank.

  • Member’s whose birthday preference is not blank.

  • Member’s whose birthday is in January.

  • Member’s whose birthday is on the exact date August 1.

  • Member’s whose birthday is in 7 days (which is 7 days before in the audience builder).
    When a member’s birthday is in 7 days, this means 7 days prior to a member’s birthday they will enter the audience). Note: days are calculated based on UTC timezone. Keep in mind, days end earlier in North America depending on your timezone. If you plan to run a same-day campaign to issue an offer to members with their birthday today (i.e. is in 0 days), the campaign should start no later than 4:00pm PST (00:00 UTC the following day). Otherwise, the campaign will inadvertently target birthdays that fall on the next day.

Brand Join Date

Filter members based on the date they first joined your program.

Operators Actions
  • between 2 dates
  • is on fixed date (mm/dd/yyyy)
  • is after fixed date (mm/dd/yyy)
  • is before fixed date (mm/dd/yyy)
  • is not on fixed date (mm/dd/yyyy)
  • not within last [#] of days
  • within last [#] of days
  • within last [#] of hours
Choose dates or enter value input.


  • Member’s who joined your brand’s program between August 1, 2023 and September 1, 2023.

  • Member’s who joined your brand’s program on August 1, 2023.

  • Member’s who joined your brand’s program after August 1, 2023.

  • Member’s who joined your brand’s program before August 8, 2023.

  • Member’s who joined your brand’s program before the last 7 days (i.e. not within last 7 days).

  • Member’s who joined your brand’s program within the last 7 days.

Email Opt-in Status

Filters members based on their email subscription status.

  • is
  • is not
Choose subsctipion status of “True” for subscribed to Email, or “False” for not subscribed to Email.


  • Member’s who are subscribed to Email.

  • Member’s who are not subscribed to Email.

Favorite Store Settings

Filters members based on their favorite store settings.

Operators Actions
  • is
  • is not
Choose or upload the favorite store preference(s).


  • Member’s whose favorite store is the San Francisco location.

  • Member’s whose favorite store is not one of the locations: San Francisco, Daly City or Palo Alto.

First Visit

Filters members based on when their first visit was made. A first visit is most commonly the first purchase made by a member with your brand. In some cases, this can also be a customer who joins your program through an in-store device without making a purchase.

Operators Actions
  • is on fixed date (mm/dd/yyyy)
  • is after fixed date (mm/dd/yyy)
  • is before fixed date (mm/dd/yyy)
  • is within [#] of days
  • is not within last [#] of days
Choose dates or enter value input.


  • Member’s who made their first visit on August 1, 2023.

  • Member’s who made their first visit after August 8, 2023.

  • Member’s who made their first visit before August 1, 2023.

  • Member’s whose first visit was not within the last 7 days.

Note: We do not recommend using the is within condition. The result will always be zero; it looks for a future date that cannot be predetermined. This condition is being deprecated in the next release.


Filter members by their gender.

Operators Actions
  • is
  • is not
Choose the gender preference of male, female, or undefined.


  • Member’s who identify as male.

  • Member’s who do not identify as female.

Loyalty Status

Filters members by their loyalty status of Starter or Registered. A starter member is an entry-level member who has not completed their profile. A registered member has completed their registration process by providing the minimum of their phone, email, password and has verified their email account.

Operators Actions
  • is
  • is not
Choose the loyalty status of Starter or Registered.


  • Member’s whose loyalty status is Starter.

  • Member’s whose loyalty status is not Registered.


Offer Activity

Offer data is available in the filter options, so you can identify members who earned, used, did not use, or expired a specific offer in a time period. When a member has multiple of the specified offer in their balance, all of the offers will be taken into consideration in the filter.

Note: Purchase Item, Purchase Total, Registration points campaigns will not appear in the offer options.

Parameters Options Operators
Offer earned Choose the specific offer.
  • is after fixed date (mm/dd/yyy)
  • is before fixed date (mm/dd/yyy)
  • is true
  • not within last [#] of days
  • within last [#] of days
  • within last [#] of hours
    Offer not earned Choose the specific offer.
    • is true
      Offer not used Choose the specific offer.
      • is after fixed date (mm/dd/yyy)
      • is before fixed date (mm/dd/yyy)
      • is true
      • within last [#] of days
        Offer expiry Choose the specific offer.
        • is after fixed date (mm/dd/yyy)
        • is before fixed date (mm/dd/yyy)
        • is blank
        • is in [#] days
        • is not blank
        • is true
        • within last [#] of days
          Offer used Choose the specific offer.
          • is after fixed date (mm/dd/yyy)
          • is before fixed date (mm/dd/yyy)
          • is true
          • not within last [#] of days
          • within last [#] of days


            • Member’s who earned a $5 off offer after August 1, 2023.

            • Member’s who earned their Welcome offer within the last 48 hours.

            • Member’s who did not earn the Special BOGO offer.

            • Member’s who did not use their Special BOGO offer.

            • Member’s whose $5 off expiry date is within 7 days from today.

            • Member’s who used their Special BOGO offer before the last 7 days (i.e. not within the last 7 days)

            Points Balance

            Filters members based on their available points balance at the time the audience is applied. This excludes points that have already convereted or been used towards offers.

            Operators Actions
            • between [#-#] point range
            • is [#] points
            • is greater than [#] points
            • is less than [#] points
            • is not [#] points
            Choose the point input value.


            • Member’s whose current point balance is 39-50 points (i.e. member’s who have 40-49 points in their account).

            • Member’s whose current point balance is 10 points.

            • Member’s whose current point balance is greater than 10 points.

            • Member’s whose current point balance is greater than 20 points.

            • Member’s whose current point balance is not 10 points.

            Reward Activity

            Reward data is available in the filter options, so you can identify members who earned, used, did not use, or the reward expired in a time period. When a member has multiple rewards in their balance, all of their rewards will be taken into consideration in the filter.

            Rewards is a legacy filter and all discounts have been migrated to use the Offers terminology.

            Parameters Options Operators
            • Reward earned
            • Reward not used
            • Reward used
            Choose the specific reward.
            • is after fixed date (mm/dd/yyy)
            • is before fixed date (mm/dd/yyy)
            • is true
            • is within last [#] of days
            • Reward expiry
            Choose the specific reward.
            • is after fixed date (mm/dd/yyy)
            • is before fixed date (mm/dd/yyy)
            • is blank
            • is in [#] days
            • is not blank
            • within last [#] of days


            • Member’s whose $5 off reward was earned.

            • Member’s whose $5 off reward was earned after August 1, 2023.

            • Member’s whose $5 off reward was not used before August 1, 2023.

            • Member’s whose $5 off reward was used within the last 7 days.

            • Member’s whose $5 off reward expires after August 1, 2023.

            • Member’s whose $5 off reward does not expire (i.e. offer expiry is blank).



            Filters members by the total amount they’ve spent within a timeframe. The timeframe is between the start of a date to the start of the next date.

            Operators Actions Options
            • is
            • is greater than
            • is less than
            • is not
            Choose the dollar input value.
            • between 2 dates
            • not within last [#] of days
            • within last [#] of days
            • within last [#] of hours


            • Member’s whose spend is $1000 between Jan 1, 2023 and Jan 1, 2024.

            • Member’s whose spend is greater than $50 within the last 10 days

            • Member’s whose spend is less than $100 within the last 48 hours

            • Member’s whose spend is greater than $1000 not within the last 24 hours.

            Text Opt-in Status

            Filters members based on whether they are subscribed to your text marketing.

            • is
            • is not
            Choose subsctipion status of “True” for subscribed to your text marketing, or “False” for not subscribed to your text marketing.


            • Member’s who are subscribed to receive text messages from your brand.

            • Member’s who are not subscribed to receive text messages from your brand.


            Filters members based on their total number of visits within a specified timeframe.

            Operators Actions Options
            • is
            • is greater than
            • is less than
            • is not
            Choose the visit count.
            • between 2 dates
            • not within last [#] of days
            • within last [#] of days
            • within last [#] of hours


            • Member’s whose visit count is 2 beteen the dates of August 1, 2023 and August 8, 2023.

            • Member’s whose visit count is greater than 1 within last 7 days (i.e. member has visit count of 2 or more)

            • Member’s whose visit count is not 0 within the last 2 days.

            • Member’s whose visit count is less than 10 within the last 7 days (i.e. member has visit count of 9 or less).

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            For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo

            Create a Winback Campaign

            A winback campaign is a powerful marketing strategy that targets inactive or lapsed customers, aiming to re-engage them with your brand. This approach brings back previous customers, leading to increased conversion rates, valuable feedback, reinforced loyalty, and opportunities for upselling, making it an essential means of growing your business and connecting with your audience.

            Winback Campaign Example

            A common campaign example is to run a daily recurring campaign giving an offer to members who have not made a purchase within the last 90 days.

            How-to Create A Winback Campaign

            1. In your Dashboard, navigate to Campaigns / Create New Campaign.

            2. Select Recurring automation type.

            3. Set the interval to Daily.

            4. Set the daily run time at which the offer will be issued to the lapsed audience, and click Next Step. We recommend it be at least 1 hour before your store opens for the day.

            5. Select the Offer action.

            6. Enter the details of your offer and click Next Step.

            7. Turn on the segment, and maintain who you are sending this campaign to as a + New Audience.

            8. Name your new audience something easily identifiable — such as, 90 lapsed members.

            9. Maintain the Members match all conditions.

            10. Click + Add to add an audience filter.

            11. Enter the condition Visits | is | 0 | within last (days) | 90.
              This looks for all members who did not visit within the last 90 days.

            12. Enter the condition Visits | is not | 0 | within last (days) | 91 and click Next Step.
              This looks for all members who visited within last 91 days. By combining these filters with an ALL operator, you're effectively identifying people who did not visit exactly 90 days ago. When your daily campaign sends every day, those who make a visit today will be excluded from tomorrow’s send so they are not being spammed.

            13. Name your campaign.

            14. Schedule when you want your campaign to start.
              Note: if you set the start time after the daily recurring run time, the first time the offer is sent out will be the following day after the. campaign start date.

            15. Review and Save your campaign.

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            For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo

            Periodic Text Messages

            Periodic messages sent for marketing purposes require customers to actively express consent in writing (e.g. double opt-in) to receive your text messages.

            When crafting your message content, it’s important to understand compliance before you send a message. Prior express written consent from your customers is mandatory. Check out the Text Message Compliance guide for more information.

            It is always a good idea to contact an attorney to seek additional advice pertaining to TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act) and SMS —text marketing best practices in general.

            The below is a step-by-step guide on how to setup a marketing message via campaign and campaign notifications:

            Via Campaign

            A campaign text message is strictly marketing message sent to a defined audience.

            1. Navigate to Campaigns > Create

            2. Select the automation type Date & Time or Recurring and click Next Step

              Note: The Recurring campaign requires additional interval details to be defined before clicking Next Step

            3. Select to Send Text Message

            4. Enter your text message content and click Next Step. For more info, see Text Message Compliance

              Note: The Date & Time campaign requires additional scheduling to be defined before clicking Next Step

            5. Define your Audience segment and click Next Step. For more info, see Audience Filters

            6. Enter a unique and easy to understand campaign name for your internal reference

            7. Define the start and end dates

            8. Review and confirm by clicking to Schedule your campaign

            Via Campaign Text Notification

            A campaign text notification is a text message send that occurs at the time of a specified event.

            1. Navigate to Campaigns > Notifications

            2. Add a new notification

            3. Select the event that will trigger the notification and click Next. For more info, see Notification Events

            4. Enter a unique and easy to understand event name
              Note: fields may vary based on event type, enter all required information

            5. Select the to medium of the notification — in this use case, you will select Text message
              Note: Medium options will only be displayed if the integration is enabled.

            6. Enter your text message content. For more info, see Text Message Compliance

            7. Enter the start and end dates

            8. Review and Create your new notification.

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            For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo

            One-time Text Messages

            A one-time text message is not marketing, you can only send the requested information by the customer once. These are commonly used for account notifications.

            The below is a step-by-step guide on how to setup a one-time message via settings notifications:

            Settings Notifications

            1. Navigate to Settings > Notifications

            2. Add a new notification

            3. Select the event that will trigger the notification and click Next. For more info, see Notification Events

            4. Enter a unique and easy to understand event name
              Note: the fields may vary based on event type, enter all required information

            5. Select whether to require customer opt-in.
              By requiring opt-in, a person must have consented to marketing messages and be double opted-in to receive the text message upon event.

            6. Select the to medium (email or text message) of the notification — in this use case, you will select Text message

              Note: Medium options will only be displayed in the dropdown if the integration is enabled.

            7. Enter your one-time text message content. For more info, see Text Message Compliance

            8. Review and Create your new notification
              Notifications may take up to 10 minutes to start sending.

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            For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo

            Text Message Compliance

            This guide is for informational purposes only. We recommend contacting an attorney to seek additional advice pertaining to the TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act) and SMS — text marketing best practices in general.

            Below, we discuss the main regulations to help you remain in compliance throughout your text marketing campaigns and notifications.

            There are three laws that will tell you everything that is required of marketers and advertisers who wish to use text messaging for commercial purposes:

            To begin, identify what type of text message you are sending — periodic marketing message or a one-time message. The type of messages being sent is important to understand before composing your message.

            Periodic (Marketing) Text Message

            Periodic messages sent for marketing purposes require customers to actively express consent in writing (e.g. double opt-in) to receive your text messages. There are several methods a customer can subscribe to your texts, in each, the first message will always be a compliance message requesting their consent to receive text messages to their mobile number from your brand. It is not until they reply and confirm their consent that they will be able to receive further marketing messages from you.

            For more information on on your text compliance flows, contact your Customer Success Manager.

            Once the initial compliance messages have been sent and confirmed, make sure before sending any marketing text message;

            • Make your identity known! Start the message with your company name. Especially, if you are on a shared short-code you should always pre-fix your text message with your name to distinguish your messages from others.

            • At least once a month, disclose to customers useful information and opt-out instructions; tell your subscribers how to opt-out or ask for help. For example: “Text STOP to cancel, HELP for help.”

            • At least once a month, remind customers of any fees that they could be charged. For example, “Msg & Data Rates May Apply.”

            • Do not include content that involves illegal behavior or substances, violence, adult content such as nudity, profanity, or hate speech. You cannot text Sex, Hate, Alcohol, Firearms, and Tobacco in the text messages.

            • Generally, the best times to send are between the hours of 9 AM and 9 PM in local time.

            • Message thoughtfully and carefully.

            • Emoji’s are not supported.

            An example marketing text message can sound something like this:

            “Brand Name: Happy Ice Cream Day! Celebrate w/a free cone today only. Enter mobile # in-store to redeem. Text STOP to end, HELP for help. Msg&DataRatesMayApply.

            Learn more about Periodic Marketing Messages in the Spendgo Dashboard.

            One-time Text Message

            A one-time text message is not marketing, you can only send the requested information by the customer once. These are commonly used for account notifications.

            It is critical to keep in mind the following before composing any one-time text message:

            • Only send the information that was requested by the customer. Do not send any additional marketing as this is not in compliance.

            • Double opt-in is not required to send a one-time notification, but the message must be initiated by the customer first requesting or confirming the information to be sent to them.

            • Make your identity known! Always start the message with your company name. Especially, if you are on a shared short-code you should always pre-fix your text message with your name to distinguish your messages from others.

            • You do not need to include opt-out, messaging rates, or help content because these messages do not recur.

            An example one-time text message can sound something like this:

            “Brand Name: We’re confirming your support request. Points have been added to your account. View points here:”


            “Brand Name: Your order is ready to go! More info call 5555555555”

            Learn more about One-time Text Messages in the Spendgo Dashboard.

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            For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo

            Insights Glossary



            Active Members

            Active Members is a count of Members with any activity during the selected time period. Types of activity include when a Member associates with your account, makes a purchase, uses a reward, or uses an offer.

            Appears in: MEMBERS

            Adoption Rate

            Adoption Rate is calculated by dividing the count of Member transactions by all transactions during the selected time period.


            Average Ticket

            Member Avg. Ticket is calculated by dividing Members Sales by the count of Member transactions during the selected time period.

            Appears in: LIVE, OVERVIEW, STORES, CAMPAIGNS



            Conversions is a count of Members and Non-Members who met the campaign offer requirements on their purchase.

            Appears in: CAMPAIGNS




            The number of rewards/offer earned for the selected time period.

            Appears in: Rewards/Offers

            Email Subscribers

            The total count of email subscribers since program start through to the selected month.

            Appears in: OVERVIEW, MEMBERS

            Email Subscribers New to a Store (Not Unique)

            Email Subscribers New to Store (Not Unique) is a count of the Email Subscribers who first associated with a store during the selected time period. If a Member associated with multiple stores they will be counted multiple times.

            Appears in: MEMBERS

            Favorite Store Members

            Favorite Store Members is a count of Members based on their current favorite store and associated with your account for the first time during the selected time period

            Appears in: OVERVIEW

            Favorite Store Members (Starters)

            Favorite Store Members (Starters) is a count of Starter Members based on their current favorite store and associated with your account for the first time during the selected time period

            Appears in: OVERVIEW

            Favorite Store Members (Registered)

            Favorite Store Members (Registered) is a count of Registered Members based on their current favorite store and associated with your account for the first time during the selected time period

            Appears in: OVERVIEW

            Favorite Store Members Subscribed to Email

            Favorite Store Members Subscribed to Email is a count of Members currently subscribed to email based on their current favorite store and associated with your account for the first time during the selected time period

            Appears in: OVERVIEW

            Favorite Store Members Subscribed to Text

            Favorite Store Members Subscribed to Text is a count of Members currently subscribed to Text (SMS) messaging based on their current favorite store and associated with your account for the first time during the selected time period

            Appears in: OVERVIEW



            Member Adoption Rate

            Adoption Rate is calculated by dividing the count of Member transactions by all transactions during the selected time period.

            Appears in: OVERVIEW

            Member Avg. Ticket

            Member Avg. Ticket is calculated by dividing Members Sales by the count of Member transactions during the selected time period.

            Appears in: OVERVIEW

            Members Converted

            The number of unique members who have achieved the campaign goals.

            Appears in: CAMPAIGNS

            Member Frequency

            Member Frequency is calculated by dividing the count of unique Members who made at least 1 visit by the total count of Member visits during the selected time period.

            Appears in: OVERVIEW

            Members New to Store (Not Unique)

            Members New to Store (Not Unique) is a count of the Members who first associated with a store during the selected time period. If a Member associated with multiple stores they will be counted multiple times.

            Appears in: MEMBERS

            Member Sales

            Member Sales is a sum of the gross sales (may include taxes, tips, and other fees) from Member transactions during the selected time period.


            Member Visits

            Member Visits is a count of the Member transactions or check-ins during the selected time period.

            Appears in: MEMBERS, STORES



            New Members

            New Members is the count of Members who associated with your account for the first time during the selected time period.

            Appears in: LIVE, MEMBERS, STORES

            Non-Member Average Ticket

            Non-Member Avg. Ticket is calculated by dividing Non-Members Sales by the count of Non-Member transactions during the selected time period.

            Appears in: OVERVIEW

            Non-Member Sales

            Non-Member Sales is a sum of the gross sales (may include taxes, tips, and other fees) from Non-Member transactions during the selected time period.

            Appears in: OVERVIEW

            Offers/Rewards Used

            The total number of offers and rewards used within the selected time period.

            Appears in: STORES



            Registered Members

            Registered Members is a count of Members who have verified their account and who have ever associated with the selected store(s). Dates are derived from the first time a Member associated with the selected store. When filtering for multiple stores, a member who is associated with multiple stores, will only be counted once.

            Appears in: OVERVIEW



            Starter Members

            Starter Members is a count of Members who have not verified their account and who have ever associated with the selected store(s). Dates are derived from the first time a Member associated with the selected store. When filtering for multiple stores, a member who is associated with multiple stores, will only be counted once.

            Appears in: OVERVIEW

            Store Locations

            Store locations identifies the different stores within your account. It also allows you to filter your insights based on the store location source of the data.




            Text Subscribers

            Text Subscribers is a count of Members currently subscribed to Text Messaging (SMS) who have ever associated with the selected store(s). Dates are derived from the first time a Member associated with the selected store. When filtering for multiple stores, a member who is associated with multiple stores, will only be counted once.

            Appears in: OVERVIEW

            Text Subscribers New to a Store (Not Unique)

            Text Subscribers New to Store (Not Unique) is a count of the Text Subscriberswho first associated with a store during the selected time period. If a Member associated with multiple stores they will be counted multiple times.

            Appears in: MEMBERS

            Total Members

            Total Members is a sum of Starter and Registered Members who have ever associated with the selected store(s). Dates are derived from the first time a Member associated with the selected store. When filtering for multiple stores, a member who is associated with multiple stores, will only be counted once.

            Appears in: OVERVIEW




            The total number of rewards or offers that have been redeemed within the selected time period.

            Appears in: REWARDS/OFFERS

            Please contact your Customer Success Manager for a personalized walk-through of your insights.

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            For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo

            Audience Filters

            To create an audience, see Managing Audiences help guide. Audiences are dynamic and member’s can move in and out of an audience based on the filters defined. Each filter has different parameters and settings as listed in the examples below:


            Filters members based on their age.

            • is - member’s age is [n] years old

            • is not - member’s age is not [n] years old

            • is greater than - member’s age is greater than [n] years old (e.g. Age is greater than 30, means 31 and older).

            • is less than - member’s age is less than [n] years old (e.g. Age is less than 30, means 29 and younger).


            Average Ticket

            Filters members based on their average ticket – the sum of their order totals, over the number of orders – within a specified timeframe.

            • is - member’s average ticket is [$]

            • is not - member’s average ticket is not [$]

            • is greater than - member’s average ticket is greater than [$] (e.g. average ticket is greater than $100, means member’s who’ve spent on average $100.01 or more).

            • is less than - member’s average ticket is less than [$] (e.g. average ticket is less than $100, means member’s who’ve spent on average $99.99 or less)


            • between specified date range (e.g. between 1/1/2020-1/31/2020).
              Note: date default is set to 00:00:00 UTC.

            • within last [n] days.



            Filters members based on their birthday details.

            • is blank - member’s birthday is set in their profile.

            • is not blank - member’s birthday is not set in their profile.

            • month is - member’s birthday month is [month] (e.g. month is January).

            • is (mm/dd) - member’s exact birthday is [mm/dd].

            • days before - [n] days before the member’s birthday (e.g. 15 days before birthday, means when it is exactly 15 days before a member’s birthday they will enter the audience).


            Email Opt-in Status

            Filters members based on their email subscription status.

            • is - member’s email opt-in status is “true” for subscribed, or “false” for unsubscribed.

            • is not - member’s email opt-in status is not “true” for subscribed, or “false” for unsubscribed.


            Favorite Store

            Filters members based on their favorite store settings.

            • is - member’s favorite store is [favorite store location(s)].

            • is not - member’s favorite store is not [favorite store location(s)].


            First Visit

            Filters members based on when their first visit was made.

            • is - member’s first visit was on date [mm/dd/yyyy].

            • is within - member’s first visit was within [n] days (e.g. first visit was within 5 days).
              Note: the starting reference date – is within [n] days from [mm/dd/yyyy] – can be the campaign start date and/or a moving date based on the recurring date(s) a campaign is set to run.

            • is not within - member’s first visit was not within last [n] days (e.g. first visit was not within last 5 days).
              Note: the starting reference date – is within [n] days from [mm/dd/yyyy] – can be the campaign start date and/or a moving date based on the recurring date(s) a campaign is set to run.

            • is before - member’s first visit was before date [mm/dd/yyyy].

            • is after - member’s first visit was after date [mm/dd/yyyy].



            Filter members by their gender.

            • is - member’s gender is “male”, “female” or “undefined”.

            • is not - member’s gender is not “male” or “female” or “undefined”.


            Loyalty Status

            Filters members by their loyalty status of Starter or Registered. A starter member is an entry-level member who has not completed their profile. A registered member has completed their registration process by providing the minimum of their phone, email, password and has verified their email account.

            • is - member’s loyalty status is “starter” or “registered”.

            • is not - member’s loyalty status is not “starter” or “registered”.


            Offer Earned

            Filters members based on when a specified offer has been earned. When a member has multiple of the specified offer in their balance, all of the offers will be taken into consideration in the filter.

            The new automatically earned Points Threshold, which replaces the spending base rewards, will now appear within the offer event categories.

            • is before - member’s specified offer was earned before [mm/dd/yyyy] date.

            • is after - member’s specified offer was earned after [mm/dd/yyyy] date.

            • within last - member’s specified offer was earned within last [n] days.

            • is true - member’s specified offer was earned.


            Offer Used

            Filters members based on when a specified offer has been used. When a member has multiple of the specified offer in their balance, all of the offers will be taken into consideration in the filter.

            The new automatically earned Points Threshold, which replaces the spending base rewards, will now appear within the offer event categories.

            • is before - member’s specified offer was used before [mm/dd/yyyy] date.

            • is after - member’s specified offer was used after [mm/dd/yyyy] date.

            • within last - member’s specified offer was used within last [n] days.

            • is true - member’s specified offer was used.


            Offer Not Used

            Filters members based on when a specified offer has not been used. When a member has multiple of the specified offer in their balance, all of the offers will be taken into consideration in the filter.

            The new automatically earned Points Threshold, which replaces the spending base rewards, will now appear within the offer event categories.

            • is before - member’s specified offer has not been used before [mm/dd/yyyy] date.

            • is after - member’s specified offer has not been used after [mm/dd/yyyy] date.

            • within last - member’s specified offer has not been used within last [n] days.

            • is true - member’s specified offer has not been used.


            Offer Expiry

            Filters members based on when a specified offer expires. When a member has multiple of the specified offer in their balance, all of the offers will be taken into consideration in the filter.

            The new automatically earned Points Threshold, which replaces the spending base rewards, will now appear within the offer event categories.

            • is in - member’s specified offer expiry is in exactly [n] days.

            • is within - member’s specified offer expiry is within the next [n] days .

            • is blank - member’s specified offer expiry is blank (i.e. the offer has no expiration date).

            • is not blank - member’s specified offer expiry is not blank (i.e. the offer has an expiration date).

            • is before - member’s specified offer expiry is before [mm/dd/yyyy] date.

            • is after - member’s specified offer expiry is after [mm/dd/yyyy] date.

            • within last - member’s specified offer expiry is within last [n] days.


            Reward Earned

            Filters members based on when their reward has been earned. When a member has multiple rewards in their balance, all of their rewards will be taken into consideration in the filter.

            Spending rewards are being migrated to the new automatically earned Points Threshold. If your account has not yet been migrated, you will continue to use the rewards earned filters. Once migrated, you will use the offer earned filter.

            • is before - member earned a reward before [mm/dd/yyyy] date.

            • is after - member earned a reward after [mm/dd/yyyy] date.

            • within last - member earned a reward within last [n] days.

            • is true - member earned a reward.


            Reward Used

            Filters members based on when their reward has been used. When a member has multiple rewards in their balance, all of their rewards will be taken into consideration in the filter.

            Spending rewards are being migrated to the new automatically earned Points Threshold. If your account has not yet been migrated, you will continue to use the rewards used filters. Once migrated, you will use the offer earned filter.

            • is before - member has used their reward before [mm/dd/yyyy] date.

            • is after - member has used their reward after [mm/dd/yyyy] date.

            • within last - member has used their reward within last [n] days.

            • is true - member has used their reward.


            Reward Not Used

            Filters members based their unused rewards. When a member has multiple rewards in their balance, all of their rewards will be taken into consideration in the filter.

            Spending rewards are being migrated to the new automatically earned Points Threshold. If your account has not yet been migrated, you will continue to use the rewards not used filters. Once migrated, you will use the offer earned filter.

            • is before - member has not used a reward before [mm/dd/yyyy] date.

            • is after - member has not used a reward after [mm/dd/yyyy] date.

            • within last - member has not used a reward within last [n] days.

            • is true - member has not used their reward.


            Reward Expiry

            Filters members based on when their reward expires. When a member has multiple rewards in their balance, all of their rewards will be taken into consideration in the filter.

            Spending rewards are being migrated to the new automatically earned Points Threshold. If your account has not yet been migrated, you will continue to use the rewards expiry filters. Once migrated, you will use the offer earned filter.

            • is blank - member’s reward expiry is blank (i.e. the reward has no expiration date).

            • is not blank - member’s reward expiry is not blank (i.e. the reward has an expiration date).

            • is before - member’s reward expiry is before [mm/dd/yyyy] date.

            • is after - member’s reward expiry is after [mm/dd/yyyy] date.

            • within last - member’s reward expiry is within last [n] days.



            Filters members by the total amount they’ve spent within a timeframe. The timeframe is between the start of a date to the start of the next date.

            • is - member’s spend is [$] within a specified timeframe.

            • is not - member’s spend is not [$] within a specified timeframe.

            • is greater than - member’s spend is greater than [$] within a specified timeframe (e.g. spend is greater than $100, means member’s who’ve spent $100.01 or more within the specified timeframe).

            • is less than - member’s spend is less than [$] within a specified timeframe (e.g. spend is less than $100, means member’s who’ve spent $99.99 or less within the specified timeframe).


            • between specified date range (e.g. between 1/1/2020-1/31/2020).
              Note: date default is set to 00:00:00 UTC.

            • within last [n] days.


            Text Opt-in Status

            Filters members by their text messaging subscription status.

            • is - member’s text opt-in status is “true” for subscribed, or “false” for unsubscribed.

            • is not - member’s text opt-in status is not “true” for subscribed, or “false” for unsubscribed.



            Filters members based on their total number of visits or a visit range within a specified timeframe.

            • is - member’s number of visits is [n] visits within a specified timeframe.

            • is not - member’s number of visits is not [n] visits within a specified timeframe.

            • is greater than - member’s number of visits is greater than [n] visits within a specified timeframe (e.g. visit count is greater than 5, means member’s who’ve visited 6 or more times within the specified timeframe).

            • is less than - member’s number of visits is less than [n] visits within a specified timeframe (e.g. visit count is less than 5, means member’s who’ve visited 4 or less times within the specified timeframe).


            • between specified date range (e.g. between 1/1/2020-1/31/2020).
              Note: date default is set to 00:00:00 UTC.

            • within last [n] days.

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            For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo

            Recurring Campaign

            The Recurring campaign allows you to send a text message or offer to an audience on a set interval. This is a great way to set a regular cadence of messaging or offers daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually.

            Campaign Examples

            • Daily holiday promotion
              Send a holiday offer that can be redeemed daily for the campaign duration. It’s a great way to increase visit frequency during a set time period.

            • Weekly March promotion
              Giving out a special offer every week for the month of March is a fun way to engage fans with your brand.

            • Monthly text message
              Sending out a text message to your members at least once a month is a good practice to keep your subscriber list up to date. Scheduling a friendly monthly message is a good option to have in place to keep your list fresh.

            • Quarterly Win-Back Campaign
              Target Customers who haven’t been in the last 3 months with an offer or other incentive to get them back in before they become lapsed customers.

            • Annual holidays and anniversaries
              Celebrate your brands milestone with your members with a text and/or a special offer. It’s a great way to build brand loyalty and thanks members for another year of their patronage.


            Creating A Text Message Campaign

            1. Go to the Campaigns tab in the Dashboard

            2. Click the Create link in the top nav

            3. Select the Recurring automation

            4. Define the interval at which you want to send the text message (avoid sending messages too early or late in the day):
              Daily runs daily at the set time of day
              Weekly runs weekly on the day of the week at the set time of day
              Monthly runs monthly, repeats every X months, on the X day of the month at the set time of day
              Annually runs yearly on a date at the set time of the day

            5. Select the Text Message action

            6. Enter your text message content and click Next

            7. Define the target audience to receive the message by turning on the segment and defining your audience filters. Then click Next

            8. Enter a unique campaign name for your internal reference

            9. Schedule your campaign start date and time

            10. (Optional) Schedule your campaign end date and time. If this is not defined, your campaign will be ongoing with no end date

            11. Review your campaign details and click on Schedule to create your new campaign

              Tip: You can send a test message to a mobile number during your setup process (step 6).


            Creating An Offer Campaign

            See Offer types for more information.

            1. Go to the Campaigns tab in the Dashboard

            2. Click the Create link in the top nav

            3. Select the Recurring automation

            4. Define the interval at which you want to send the text message:
              Daily runs daily at the set time of day
              Weekly runs weekly on the day of the week at the set time of day
              Monthly runs monthly, repeats every X months, on the X day of the month at the set time of day
              Annually runs yearly on a date at the set time of the day

            5. Select the Offer action

            6. Define your offer configurations and click Next

            7. Define the target audience to receive the offer by turning on the segment and defining your audience filters. Then click Next

            8. Enter a unique campaign name for your internal reference

            9. Schedule your campaign start date and time

            10. (Optional) Schedule your campaign end date and time. If this is not defined, your campaign will be ongoing with no end date

            11. Review your campaign details and click on Schedule to create your new campaign

            Offer Configuration Options

            The following are the offer configurations based on the campaign and offer type selections. Not all configuration options are going to be applicable to each offer setup. The Dashboard UI will only request the relevant configurations based on the offer campaign and offer types you select to create.

            Tip: Hover over the Dashboard tooltips while creating your campaign for more information on each field box.

            Configuration Description
            Available Define whether the offer can be used in-store or online. Offers that are "in-store" may only be redeemed in-stores. Offers that are "online" may only be redeemed online.
            Coupon Print-out/On-Screen Display This is an operational message that is either printed or displayed to the Staff ringing up the Member's order, instructing them to apply the offer to their order before closing the transaction. This only applies for in-store offers. This does not apply for points offers.
            Discount Code The discount code corresponds to a discount code in your POS system. For online ordering, Spendgo will pass this discount code to the POS for processing. This does not apply for points offer. The Discount Code can be overridden when the Discount Code Override value is configured on the store-level. See Store Settings for more details.
            Earn Points Earn points defines how points will be earned on a purchase for a Mulitply Points offer.

          • On the basket subtotal - Members earn points based on the sum of all qualifying items in the basket, rounded down.
          • On every qualifying item - Members earn points for every item in the basket listed inthe selected Items Group (items in the Items Group marked as non-qualifying for points are not included).
          • On the basket subtotal with at least 1 qualifying item - Members earn points based on the sum of all qualifying items in the basket, rounded down, as long as at least 1 item in the basket is listed in the selected Items Group.
          • Ignore Modifiers As Reward Spendgo determines the reward discount based on the lowest valued qualifying reward item. Enabling Ignore Modifiers As Reward will ignore the modifier line-items (e.g. $0.50 Ranch Dressing) as a qualifying reward item. If you want the offer to be the lowest valued parent-item and not the lowest valued modifier as the discount, you will turn on Ignore Modifiers As Reward.

            Note: When Ignore Modifiers As Reward is enabled it will also ignore any modifier items that are included in your qualifying item groups.

            Parent-item: Chopped Salad $8
            Modifier: Add Chicken $2
            When Ignore Modifiers As a Reward is enabled, the discount is $8. When disabled, the discount will be $2.

            In-store Redemption Prompt The guest facing message to be displayed on the in-store tablet devices prompting the Member to use their offer on their order. This only applies for in-store offers. This does not apply to points offers.
            Interval Define the cadence at which your Recurring campaign will repeat. Options are daily at HH:mm, weekly on a selected day of the week, every N month on the DD day, or annually on date.
            Limit Timeframe Limiting the timeframe allows you to create day and time windows when the points can be used.
            Maximum Points Per Purchase Caps the number of points a Member can earn per qualified purchase in a Multiply Points offer type.
            Minimum Purchase Value Defines the minimum purchase amount that must be met to use the offer. This does not apply to Add Points offers.
            Multiply By In a Multiply Points offer, set the number to multiply points earned by. Points earned will be rounded down to the nearest whole number.

            Note: Multiple multiply points campaigns and if your points program default is more than 1 point = $1 the bonus multiple will not stack from the campaign.

            Offer Description The offer description displayed to Members in their Member Portal when they have it in their account.
            Offer Expiration Earn points defines how points will be earned on a purchase. This configuration does not apply to Add Points offers.

          • No expiration - the offer does not expire and is available to Member till used.
          • Expires after presented - set the number of days after an offer is prompted in-store or online to expire. This does not apply to points offers; these are never presented, they are automatically applied if the Member with the offer makes a qualifying purchase. When viewing reports, these offers may not have an expiration until the member has been presented the offer. For example, a member with a birthday offer set to expire 7 days after presented may earn their offer on their birthday of Jan 1, but will not expire until they are presented the offer on their next visit on Feb 1, and therefore theif offer actually will expire 7 days after Feb 1 (on Feb 8) when it was presented.
          • Expires after earned - the offer expires X hour(s) or day(s) after earned.
          • Expires on fixed date - the offer expires on a set date and time.
          • Offer Name The name of the offer as you want it displayed to Members.
            Offer Value The value of the offer to be given. Example, $5 Off is a "5" value. 10% off is a 10 value. This only applies to fixed Discount ($) and (%) offer types.
            Points The number of points to give in an add points offer.
            Participating Locations Participating Locations allow you to select which stores the offer can be used at. This is independent of the audience filter for the Favorite store. For example, you can target all Members, but they will only be able to use the offer at the select participating locations. This does not apply to the Add Points offer.
            Qualifying Items Group Defines the select list of item(s) (i.e. an Item Group) that Members must have in their basket in order to qualify to use the offer. If none of the select items are in their basket, the offer will not apply to the order. This does not apply to Add Points offers.
            Qualifying Rule Qualifying rule sets the reward discount value based on the basket (i.e. the basket subtotal) or based on qualifying items being in the basket. This is only applicable to Discount ($) and (%) offer types.
            Redeemable by Registered Members Only When enabled, only Registered Members can use the offer.
            Reward Items Group Defines the select list of item(s) (i.e. an Item Group) that Members must have in their basket in order use the offer. The reward item in basket is what gets discounted. If none of the select items are in their basket, the offer will not apply to the order. This applies to BOGO, Free Item, and Price Adjustment offer types.

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            For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo

            Visit Threshold Campaign

            The Visit Threshold campaign is a way to issue offers on a member’s specific visit – for example a 2nd, 5th, 10th, 20th visit, and so on. This is a great way to ensure your members are continually feeling rewarded and want to continue to engage with your program.

            Campaign Examples

            • Get a Free Mug on your 3rd visit!
              By creating a giveaway incentives, you encourage guests to make more visits to earn special offers.

            • Surprise & delight on their 2nd visit
              Don’t send out any marketing, just surprise your loyal members with an offer on their 2nd visit. This is a great way to reward your members up front and keep their excitement high in the first days of joining. Continuing to offer subsequent visits, like their 5th or 10th visit is also a great way to make sure your rewards program is always rewarding and keeps your members engaged.

            • Prompt customers to join your text club on their 5th visit
              Increase your text club subscribers by prompting them to join via the in-store customer facing device (CFD). Members can accept the terms and receive the double opt-in text to your phone number. Once they confirm by replying “Y”, you have grown your SMS subscriber base.

            Things To Know

            • For text message prompts, you must have an SMS subscription plan on your account.


            Creating An Offer Campaign

            See Offer types for more information.

            1. Go to the Campaigns tab in the Dashboard

            2. Click the Create link in the top nav

            3. Select the Visit Threshold automation

            4. Enter the Number Visits Required to earn the offer and click Next

            5. Select your action type: Offer or Prompt
              Your account must have an SMS subscription plan to select the Prompt action.

            6. Define your offer or prompt parameters and click Next

            7. Enter a unique campaign name for your internal reference

            8. Schedule your campaign start date and time

            9. (Optional) Schedule your campaign end date and time. If this is not defined, your campaign will be ongoing with no end date

            10. Review your campaign details and click on Schedule to create your new campaign

            Tip: Hover over the tooltips for more information on each field box.

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            For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo

            Purchase Total Campaign

            The Purchase Total enables members to earn bonus points on their purchase total. Member points are multiplied or added. It’s a great way to drive foot traffic during slow business hours and increase ticket averages as it encourages members to earn rewards and level-up faster.

            Campaign Examples

            • Earn 2x points on Tuesdays from 3-5 pm! 
              This multiplier bonus is set during slow business hours. All purchases on Tuesday are multiplied by 2 – a $10 transaction would earn 20 points instead of the usual 10 points (less taxes and other exclusions). It motivates members to choose your brand to maximize their earning potential and get closer to those rewards.

            • Back-to-School: Earn 3x points on all purchases!
              This multiplier bonus scheduled just in time for back-to-school encourages members to shop at your brand when getting ready for the new school year. They are incentivized to spend more because they earn more.

            • Earn 10 bonus points this week!

              This added bonus is set to promote foot-traffic during the week. Campaigns are easy to set up, if things are looking slow or you just want to drive loyalty, giving points is a low-cost incentive to you but high-value to your members in reaching their next reward sooner.


            Create An Offer Campaign

            1. Go to the Campaigns tab in the Dashboard

            2. Click the Create link in the top nav

            3. Select the Purchase Total automation

            4. Select the Bonus Type:
              Multiply Bonus will multiply the points earned on any select items purchased
              Add Bonus will add a fixed amount of points on any select items purchased

            5. Define your offer parameters and click Next

            6. Enter a unique campaign name for your internal reference

            7. Schedule your campaign start date and time

            8. (Optional) Schedule your campaign end date and time. If this is not defined, you campaign will be ongoing with no end date

            9. Review your campaign details and click on Schedule to create your new campaign

              Tip: Hover over the tooltips for more information on each field box.

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