For Businesses, Customer Support Spendgo For Businesses, Customer Support Spendgo

Support Events

Support events includes transactions that you can filter and manage from within the dashboard.

Link a transaction

Members sometimes forget to enter in their phone number at the time of their purchase and would like to claim their earnings post-transaction, for this, you can link a transaction to the member.

  1. Navigate to Support > Events

  2. Use the filters to find the specific transaction.
    Note: Selecting one day and the store location of the transaction are always required at minimum to filter through the events.

  3. Once you’ve located the transaction, click Manage > Link

  4. Enter in the member phone number to be linked to the transaction and click Link

Transfer a transaction

In some cases, the wrong transaction was claimed or a member wants to transfer their transaction to a different account, for this you can transfer the transaction to a new member.

  1. Navigate to Support > Events

  2. Use the filters to find the specific transaction.
    Note: Selecting one day and the store location of the transaction are always required at minimum to filter through the events. The transaction must already be assigned to a member in order to be transferred.

  3. Once you’ve located the transaction, click Manage > Transfer

  4. Enter in the new member phone number to transfer the transaction to and click Transfer

Unlink a transaction

If the wrong transaction was claimed, for this you can unlink the transaction from a member.

  1. Navigate to Support > Events

  2. Use the filters to find the specific transaction.
    Note: Selecting one day and the store location of the transaction are always required at minimum to filter through the events. The transaction must already be assigned to a member in order to be unlinked.

  3. Once you’ve located the transaction, click Manage > Unlink

  4. Review and confirm by clicking Unlink

View a transaction

View the details of a transaction — line-items, discounts, etc.

  1. Navigate to Support > Events

  2. Use the filters to find the specific transaction.
    Note: Selecting one day and the store location of the transaction are always required at minimum to filter through the events.

  3. Once you’ve located the transaction, click Manage > View

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