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Create a Multiple Use Offer

Multiple-use offers remain available to members over an extended period of time, often beyond a single purchase. These offers are designed to encourage repeat business. They provide an ongoing incentive for members to continue engaging with your brand and make multiple purchases over time. Unlike limited-time offers that have a specific end date, persistent offers continue to be accessible for members to use whenever they make a qualifying purchase or meet the criteria. Here are a few examples of multiple use offers:

  • 2x points all month when you make a purchase this week
    Offering ongoing discounts to keep customers engaged and coming back. It can also lead to increased spending and higher customer participation.

  • 2x points for spending $1k in a year, 3x points for spending $2K in a year
    Establishing a tiered discount structure where your members receive progressively higher offers or discounts as they make more purchases or reach higher spending thresholds.

Things To Know

  • The following campaign types support the multiple use offer configuration:

    • Date & Time

    • Birthday

    • Next Visit

    • Recurring

    • Registration

    • Visit Threshold

  • In your reports, a persistent offer can be earned once and used multiple times. This can result in higher offer usage counts than offer earns.

  • When creating a recurring multiple-use offer that is also issued multiple times, it's advisable to set your offer's expiration date to be equal to or shorter than the interval of your recurring campaign. This ensures that your members won't receive a new offer before the previous one has expired. For instance, if you have a recurring weekly campaign that provides an offer every Monday in the month of August, the offer should be configured to expire after 168 hours (equivalent to 7 days) from the time it's earned. This way, members who meet the criteria will not accumulate multiple identical offers in their accounts.

Create A Multiple Use Offer

  1. Navigate to Campaigns / Create.

  2. Select your campaign automation type and click Next Step.

  3. Select the Offer action (this step is automatically skipped for the Registration and Visit Threshold automations).

  4. Enter your offer details.

    1. When setting the Single Or Multiple Use, select Multiple use.

    2. Define the offer’s Multiple Use Limits:

      1. Specify the maximum number of times the offer can be used within a time window (e.g. 1 use per 24 hours)

      2. Specify the duration in hours for the given number of uses (up to 9999 hours)

  5. Click Next Step.

  6. Select or define your audienve and click Next Step (skip this step for Birthday, Next Visit, Registration, and Visit Threshold automations).

  7. Enter a unique Campaign Name for your internal reference.

  8. Enter the campaign Start Date.

  9. (Optional) Enter the campaign End Date.

  10. Review your campaign details and click on Schedule to create your new campaign.

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Create a Winback Campaign

A winback campaign is a powerful marketing strategy that targets inactive or lapsed customers, aiming to re-engage them with your brand. This approach brings back previous customers, leading to increased conversion rates, valuable feedback, reinforced loyalty, and opportunities for upselling, making it an essential means of growing your business and connecting with your audience.

Winback Campaign Example

A common campaign example is to run a daily recurring campaign giving an offer to members who have not made a purchase within the last 90 days.

How-to Create A Winback Campaign

  1. In your Dashboard, navigate to Campaigns / Create New Campaign.

  2. Select Recurring automation type.

  3. Set the interval to Daily.

  4. Set the daily run time at which the offer will be issued to the lapsed audience, and click Next Step. We recommend it be at least 1 hour before your store opens for the day.

  5. Select the Offer action.

  6. Enter the details of your offer and click Next Step.

  7. Turn on the segment, and maintain who you are sending this campaign to as a + New Audience.

  8. Name your new audience something easily identifiable — such as, 90 lapsed members.

  9. Maintain the Members match all conditions.

  10. Click + Add to add an audience filter.

  11. Enter the condition Visits | is | 0 | within last (days) | 90.
    This looks for all members who did not visit within the last 90 days.

  12. Enter the condition Visits | is not | 0 | within last (days) | 91 and click Next Step.
    This looks for all members who visited within last 91 days. By combining these filters with an ALL operator, you're effectively identifying people who did not visit exactly 90 days ago. When your daily campaign sends every day, those who make a visit today will be excluded from tomorrow’s send so they are not being spammed.

  13. Name your campaign.

  14. Schedule when you want your campaign to start.
    Note: if you set the start time after the daily recurring run time, the first time the offer is sent out will be the following day after the. campaign start date.

  15. Review and Save your campaign.

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Manage Campaigns

Managing campaigns in your Spendgo dashboard is easier than ever. You can view your campaign details, edit, duplicate, stop and archive campaigns all from the Campaign Management table in your dashboard.

Things to know

  • If you Edit or Duplicate a campaign where you’ve requests customization by the Spendgo team, those customization will not be retained.

  • Once a campaign is archived, this cannot be undone. This will remove it from your reporting as well as from the support tools for adding offers to Member accounts.

  • When duplicating a campaign the automation rules from the original campaign cannot be changed (ex. a recurring campaign that runs daily at 8am), but you can change the incentive or message being sent as well as the audience and start/end dates. Note that you should rename the campaign to something unique so that you can easily distinguish between the original can duplicates.


  • After creating a campaign view the details to make sure everything is set up correctly.

  • If you find you’ve made a mistake, it is best to stop the campaign before it starts, duplicate it, change the mistake and save it as a new campaign. Then archive the old campaign (the one with a mistake) to remove it.

View and Edit a Campaign

Note: Only Admins and Marketing Manager roles have permissions to view or edit a campaign.

  1. Navigate to Campaigns / Manage.

  2. In the row of the campaign to be edited, click Manage / View.

  3. Select the field you want to edit and click Edit.

  4. Enter changes to the campaign and Save.

Archive a Campaign

Note: Only Admins and Marketing Manager roles have permissions to archive a campaign.

  1. Navigate to Campaigns / Manage.

  2. In the row of the campaign to be edited, click Manage / Archive.

  3. Confirm you want to archive the campaign. This cannot be undone once confirmed.

Stop a Campaign

Note: Only Admins and Marketing Manager roles have permissions to du a campaign. You can only stop a pending or a live campaign. If a campaign is live and Members already received an offer, the offer will not be removed from their account until it is used or expired.

  1. Navigate to Campaigns / Manage.

  2. In the row of the campaign to be edited, click Manage / Stop.

  3. Confirm you want to stop the campaign.

Duplicate a Campaign

Note: When duplicating a campaign, the audience it was targeted to will need to be reselected or defined.

  1. Navigate to Campaigns / Manage.

  2. In the row of the campaign to be edited, click Manage / Duplicate.

  3. Review your campaign action details, click Next Step.

  4. Target your campaign to an all members, or turn the audience Segment ON to select or create a new audience.

  5. Click Next Step.

  6. Enter your Campaign Name.

  7. Schedule your campaign Start Time.

  8. (Optional) Schedule your campaign End Time.
    Note: This is not required for a Date & Time automation.

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Getting Started with Local Store Marketing

Local store marketing features allow brands to have control over the offer and text message campaigns scheduled by their Franchisees. It’s also a great way to provide Franchisees with Templates they can easily select from to run campaigns.


With Templates, an Admin or Marketing Manager user level can predefine the offer details and an associated text message for use by Franchise users with Marketing permissions. Franchise users can use a template, complete their promotion or store specific details, and schedule at any future time within 45 days as long as it doesn’t land on a blackout date.

You can set a users schedule limits per day, week, or month to prevent too many text messages from being targeted to Members at a time.

Blackout Dates

Blackout dates allow brands to limit the days at which template campaigns are scheduled. These are managed by the Admin and Marketing Manager users only.

User-Level Billing

Sending text messages have their per message cost and can be set to be billed to Corporate or to the User. When set to bill the user, a Franchise with marketing permissions will be required to provide valid payment on their account to enable text message campaigns. Please see Billing a Single User for more information.

Things to know

  • Local store marketing features — SMS templates, blackout dates and send limits — is an Enterprise plan add-on. To enable Local store marketing in your Dashboard, please contact your Spendgo Customer Success Manager.

  • To update the number of days in advance a user can schedule a campaign from a template (e.g. you want to limit user from creating a campaign more than 45 days out), please contact your Spendgo Customer Success Manager.

  • For user-level billing accounts, new campaigns cannot be scheduled until a valid payment is set and a plan has been paid for on a single-user’s account. At any point, the billing information is not up to date, any existing text message campaigns scheduled in the future will be put on pause until their payment is resolved. If the start date of the text message campaign passes before payment resolution, the campaign is cancelled and will not run. Please see Billing a Single User for more information.

  • Templates that include both an offer and a text message action will appear as 2 separate campaigns — an offer and sms type — when used to schedule a campaign. The template itself will be a combined user experience for ease of use and setup.

Getting started

  1. Contact your Spendgo Customer Success Manager to configure your Dashboard for local store marketing.

  2. Create a template

  3. Create a blackout date

  4. Import users to include their SMS schedule limits in Settings / Users

  5. Share access to your users and share How-to use a template instructions (below).

How to use a template

  1. Within the Spendgo Dashboard, navigate to Campaigns / Templates, identify which template you want to use, the

  2. Click “Use Template” in the row of the template you want to use.

  3. Follow the on-screen steps. Depending on the campaign settings, the requested entry fields will vary.
    For a text messages

    Enter appropriate text to replace the variables, indicated by double curly brackets (e.g. {{day}}) See in the example, the template with variable placeholders, and the same template below with the variables filled out. The user must enter the text to replace the variable(s) or the curly bracket placeholder will be sent out. Character count and message segments may vary based on variable entries.

    Example Template:
    Stop by Juice Bar - {{location}} on {{day}} to try our new holiday flavors! While supplies last. Text STOP to cancel, HELP for help. Msg&DataRatesMayApply.

    Example message send with variables filled out:
    Stop by Juice Bar - 123 Avenue on Tuesday to try our new holiday flavors! While supplies last. Text STOP to cancel, HELP for help. Msg&DataRatesMayApply.

    Note: if there were no variables in the message, this step can be skipped.

    For offers
    The possible fields you may be asked to enter are:
    • Discount code (optional) - the promotion code that maps the offer discount to your POS discounts.
    • Limit timeframe (optional) - time of day in the week the offer should be available. Applies to 2x points and 3x points offers only.
    • Offer expiration - define when the offer should expire — no expiration, on a fixed date, days after earned, hours after earned (up to 24 hrs), or days after first presented to member in a display.

  4. Select the Members whose favorite store you would like to target with the message. You will only be able to select from stores you have access to.

  5. Give your campaign a unique name.

  6. Schedule the campaign and click Save.
    You may not schedule on a blackout window, blackout dates will be greyed out in the calendar. If you have reached the maximum number of SMS campaigns that can be scheduled within a day or week period, an error will ask you to update your schedule send time. If your payment is not up to date, you will not be able to schedule a new campaign until payment is resolved.

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Templates are pre-designed layouts that help you create content for campaigns such as text messages and offers. Text message templates allow you to set certain variables, while offer templates allow you to set details for the offer itself. These templates can be accessed by other users with marketing permissions. They define the basic requirements for the campaign and limit the user to a few parameters that are specific to a store or store group.

It's important to note that each template campaign is limited to reaching audience members who are associated with the user's store permissions. For example, if a user has access to Store A and Store B, they can only target members who have Store A or B set as their favorite store. If the user chooses to do so, they can further limit the reach to just Store A when setting up their campaign.

Things to know

  • Depending on your plan, you may not have access to all our template options. Templates are only available to Accounts with the Enterprise with local store marketing add-on. Templates can only be managed by Dashboard Admin and Marketing Manger user roles. Franchisee users with marketing permissions are able to view and use a template, but cannot create, edit or delete any templates.

  • Once a template is archived, this cannot be undone.

  • The audience associated with your template cannot include a favorite store filter. You will not be able to select this upon creation. Once your template is saved, do not edit the audience to include a favorite store filter. This can override the favorite store filter layer applied at the time the campaign is scheduled.

  • Scheduling of a template campaign is governed by the blackout dates and will be limited to when blackout timeframes are not scheduled. Blackout dates do not limit regular campaigns created by Admin or Marketing Manager Users.

  • When an account is configured to bill on a single-user level, the users will be required to have a valid billing information and payment to schedule and run any of their existing text message campaigns. Please see billing a single-user for more details.

How to create a template

You must be an Admin or Marketing Manager user to create templates.

  1. Navigate to Campaigns / Templates

  2. Select all the action types you want to create (you may select one action or both):

    1. Text Message

    2. Offer

  3. For the a Text Message, enter in your text message content.
    To enter a static variable within your message, begin by typing double open curly brackets, {{ , and select from the available variable options:

    1. {{ day }}

    2. {{ date }}

    3. {{ enter text }}

    4. {{ location }}

    5. {{ time }}
      Note: You may use as many of these static variables within your text for your template. When the template is used to create a campaign, the User will at that time be presented with the option to manually enter the value that should replace the variable.

  4. For an Offer, select from the offer types and continue to enter your offer details.

  5. Click Next Step

  6. Define the target audience and click Next Step
    Note: You will notice there is no favorite store filter, this is not available for templates. Favorite store targeting is applied to the template when it is being scheduled by the user.

  7. Enter a unique template name and Save.

How to use a template

You must be an Admin, Marketing Manager, Franchisee - Insights & Marketing, or Franchisee - Insights, Support & Marketing user to use templates.

  1. Navigate to Campaigns / Templates.

  2. In the row of the template to be used, click “Use Template”.

  3. Depending on the template contents go through the on-screen prompts, you will be asked to fill your text message and/or offer details relevant to the pre-built actions of the template.

    1. For a text message, you will be asked to manually enter in the text to replace the variable placeholders within the message.
      Note: if there were no variables in the message, this option is not displaed and the step can be skipped.

    2. For an offer, you may be asked to enter the when the offer should expire, when the offer can be redeemed, or the POS Discount code that may be required for mapping the discount code to your POS (not all Spendgo to Third-Party integrations require this, please check with your operations for details. When not required, you can enter any placeholder and it will be ignored).

  4. You can select to narrow down the target audience based on the member’s favorite store. However, it's important to note that you can only target members whose favorite stores are within your accessibility. To select all the stores within your access, click the Select all link and click Next.

  5. Enter a unique campaign name.

    Note: once the campaign is created, your campaign name will be displayed with a timestamp at the end of it to preserve it’s uniqueness across your brand.

  6. Schedule the message send and click Save.
    Note: you may not schedule on a blackout window, blackout dates will be greyed out in the calendar. If a User has reached the maximum number of SMS campaigns that can be scheduled within a day or week period, they will see an error and be asked to update their schedule send time.

How-to edit a template

Note: Only Admins and Marketing Manager roles have permissions to edit a template.

  1. Navigate to Campaigns / Templates.

  2. In the row of the campaign to be edited, click Manage / Edit.

  3. Enter changes to the template and Save.

How-to archive a template

Note: Only Admins and Marketing Manager roles have permissions to edit a template.

  1. Navigate to Campaigns / Templates.

  2. In the row of the campaign to be edited, click Manage / Archive.

  3. Confirm you want to archive the template. This cannot be undone once confirmed.

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Points Threshold Campaign

A Points Threshold campaign allows you to set the number of points a Member needs to earn an offer. A feature of the Points Threshold offer is it can be configured to automatically earn an offer — this means when a Member has enough points (e.g. Member has 50 points at a 50 points threshold), their points will auto convert into an offer. The set points threshold value is removed from their account and an offer is added. The auto-earn will happen every time the threshold is met while the campaign is live.

When a Points Threshold is not set to automatically earn, a Member can continue to earn points on their account and when the set threshold is reached, the offer then becomes available for use. The Member does not have to use the offer at that threshold, they can continue to earn points and instead use a higher threshold offer.

Campaign Examples

  • Automatically Earned Points Threshold

    • $5 off for every 50 points earned

  • Points Threshold

    • Free Dessert at 40 points

    • $5 off at 60 points

    • $10 off at 100 points

Things to Know

  • You are limited to only one (1) active Points Threshold offer where the auto-earn is enabled. When a points threshold is set to automatically earn, there is no way for the Member to reach any higher point threshold.

  • If you plan to support both types of Points Thresholds — automatically earned and not automatically earned — it is important the automatically earned threshold is greater than all other point thresholds. Otherwise, points will automatically convert into an offer and your Member will not be able to reach the higher threshold values. For example:

  • 50 points Fountain Drink for 50 points

  • 100 points $10 off for 100 points

  • 200 points $20 Off automatically at 200 points

This works, a Member who has 199 points can use 50 or 100 points on a Free Drink or $10 off respectively. However, once they hit 200 points, this will automatically become a $20 off and their balance reduced.

  • 50 points Free Coffee for 50 points

  • 100 points $10 off automatically at 100 points

  • 200 points $20 off for 200 points

Member will not be able to reach 200 points because their balance will be deducted 100 points as soon as they reach that level and given the $10 off offer.

  • With an automatically earned Points Threshold, when a Member earns a large sum of points at a time, the points will automatically convert into multiple offers. For example, if your auto-earn threshold is 50 and the Member’s first purchase is a catering order worth $300, the Member will earn 6 offers. This also means if you are setting up a notification based on this offer being earned, mutliple notifications may be triggered to the Member’s number or email address.

Creating An Offer Campaign

Note: Points Threshold Campaigns are only available for Points Banking programs.

See Offer types for more information.

  1. Go to the Campaigns tab in the Dashboard

  2. Click the Create link in the top nav

  3. Select the Points Threshold automation

  4. Define the Point Threshold at which the offer should be available

  5. Automatically Earned will be enabled by default. Enable or disable the auto-earn feature, and click Next Step

  6. Define your offer configurations and click Next

  7. Define the target audience to receive the offer by turning on the segment and defining your audience filters. Then click Next

  8. Enter a unique campaign name for your internal reference

  9. Schedule your campaign start date and time

  10. (Optional) Schedule your campaign end date and time. If this is not defined, your campaign will be ongoing with no end date

  11. Review your campaign details and click on Schedule to create your new campaign

Points Threshold
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Points Offers

There are two types of points offers — add points and multiply points — and several ways to create these points offer for Members in your Dashboard. You can use any of the following campaign types to issue points offers:

Date & Time Campaign

Target an audience with a single-use add or a multiply points offer on a set date and time.

Example Use Cases

  • Giving points to Members based on their number of visits.

  • Giving points to Members based on their total spend over a period.

  • Multiplying points for online transactions for a limited time.


  • Date & Time points offers are not perpetual and are one-time use.

  • Depending on the audience size and complexity, it can take 30-90 minutes for everyone to be issued the offer.

See how to create a Date & Time Campaign.

Registration Campaign

Reward member’s for completing their account with bonus points.

Example Use Case

  • Give bonus points to new members for completing their account.


  • Registration points can only be earned once. It will only be added to their account once the person has completed their account setup by verifying their email address.

See how to create a Registration Campaign.

Recurring Campaign

Target an audience with a single-use add or a multiply points offer on a recurring interval.

Example Use Cases

  • Multiply points on Tuesdays for email and SMS subscribers.


  • Recurring points offers are not perpetual and are one-time use.

  • Depending on the audience size and complexity, it can take 30-90 minutes for everyone to be issued the offer.

See how to create a Recurring Campaign.

Purchase Total

Gives all Members the ability to make a purchase within the campaign live period to earn an add or multiple of points on the order. This has an unlimited usage within the campaign live period.

Example Use Cases

  • On-going multiply points earn during from 2pm to 5pm on Wednesdays for happy hour.

  • Limited time points multiplier


  • Purchase Total is always available to all Members and cannot be targeted. It can only be limited to select stores where the bonus points can be earned.

  • Can also be used to increase the base earn rate from 1 point per $1 spent to N points per $1 spent.

See how to create a Purchase Total Campaign.

Purchase Items

Gives all Members the ability to make a purchase within the campaign live period to earn an add or mutliply offer for every qualifying item. This has an unlimited usage within the campaign live period.

Example Use Cases

  • Multiplying points on


  • Purchase Items is always available to all Members and cannot be targeted. It can only be limited to select stores where the bonus points can be earned.

See how to create a Purchase Item Campaign.

Note: Date & Time and Recurring are similar, in that these points offers are issued in advance and availble in a Member’s account — this means the points offer is available to a specific Member and ready for their use until it expires. Whereas Purchase Total and Purchase Items points are not considered in a Member’s account until they make a qualfied action. A qualified action is making a purchase (for the Purchase Total campaign), or making a purchase of a qualifying item (for the Purchase Items campaign). Purchase Total and Items is not targetable to an audience. it is open to all Members to participate if they make the qualified action within the campaign live period.

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How Points Work

Earning points

There are four ways a member can earn points:

  • When a Member completes a transaction on a Spendgo integrated POS (online, in-store, or in-app), the Member can earn at a rate of 1 point per $1 spent. Points will be earned on the sum of all qualified items, rounded down to the nearest integer. For example:

Item Cost
Burger 10.75
Fries 4.50
Medium Soda 2.00
Subtotal 17.25
Points Earned 17

Earn rate

The most common earn rate is 1 point earned per $1 spent, less taxes, tip, discounts, other fees, and item exclusions.

Points are calculated based on the sum of qualified items and then rounding to the floor (e.g. $5.75+4.75=$10.50, rounded down to the nearest integer is 10). Points offers are then calculated based on this rounded down number.

It is possible to increase the earn rate for a limited time or at a specific time of day in the week to drive traffic to your stores. This can be accomplished with a Date & Time, Recurring, Purchase Total or Purchase Items campaign within your Dashboard.

Points exclusions

Item exclusions from points earn are configurable at the start of your program. These are items that will not earn points. For example, you may not want money loaded to Gift Cards to earn points.

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Offer Types

Spendgo supports multiple offers types, each having additional configurations allowing you to target the Members who receive them. You can easily create, monitor and generate follow-up actions based on a Member’s engagement. Spendgo offer types include:

Add Points

An Add Points offer allows you to give out set number of points to each Member in a selected audience.

Campaign examples

  • Give 50 points for making 3 visits this week.

Things to know

  • Add Points is only available in the Date & Time and Recurring campaign types.


A BOGO is a buy one, get one item free.

Campaign Examples

  • Buy one, get one item free on your birthday

  • Buy one burger and get a small fries free when you register

Things to know

  • The default setting is to discount the lowest valued item in the purchase. For example, if you have one $10 item and one $8 item, the $8 item will be discounted.

  • The value of the discount is based only on the price of the parent item. If there are priced modifiers that are not rolled-up into the price of the parent item, they will not be calculated as part of the discount. For example, if you have one $10 item and one $6 item with a $2 modifier, the total discount will be $6.

Discount ($)

A fixed discount is a set value to be discounted from a Member’s purchase.

Campaign examples

  • $5 Off your purchase

Things to know

  • The discount value is deducted from the basket subtotal less any exclusions. If the subtotal is less than the value of the offer, the difference is lost. For example, a $10 off is applied to a $7 purchase, the discount will be $7 and the $3 will be lost to the member.

Multiply Points

Multiply points is an offer that multiplies the points earned on a Member’s purchase.

Campaign examples

  • Earn 3x points happy hour

  • Add any dessert to your purchase and get 2x points on your entire order

  • Get 2x points on coffee after 2pm

Things to know

  • The basket subtotal is the sum of all qualifying items — this means tax, tip, and most other service charges will not be included.

  • Items that have been marked non-qualifying to earn points in the main program will also not qualify to earn bonus points.

Percent Discount

Percent Discount is a set percentage discounted from a Member’s purchase.

Campaign examples

  • 10% off a purchase

Things to know

  • This discount value is calculated based on the basket subtotal. The basket subtotal is the sum of all qualifying items — this means tax, tip, and most other service charges will not be included.

  • Some items will not be included in the discount value, when items have been marked as non-qualifying for discounting. For example, alcohol items may not want to be discounted. If a purchase includes one $6 beer and one $10 burger, plus a 10% discount — the percent discount will be $1, excluding the beer from the discount.

Price Adjustment

Price Adjustment is an offer which adjusts price of items item.

Campaign examples

  • $5 sandwich Tuesdays

Things to know

  • The discount value is calculated based on the difference between the normal price and the discounted price of the item. For example, if the item is $8 and the discounted price is $5. The discount value will be $3 discount.

  • The price adjustment will always apply to all the items in the order which match the redemption item group.

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Periodic Text Messages

Periodic messages sent for marketing purposes require customers to actively express consent in writing (e.g. double opt-in) to receive your text messages.

When crafting your message content, it’s important to understand compliance before you send a message. Prior express written consent from your customers is mandatory. Check out the Text Message Compliance guide for more information.

It is always a good idea to contact an attorney to seek additional advice pertaining to TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act) and SMS —text marketing best practices in general.

The below is a step-by-step guide on how to setup a marketing message via campaign and campaign notifications:

Via Campaign

A campaign text message is strictly marketing message sent to a defined audience.

  1. Navigate to Campaigns > Create

  2. Select the automation type Date & Time or Recurring and click Next Step

    Note: The Recurring campaign requires additional interval details to be defined before clicking Next Step

  3. Select to Send Text Message

  4. Enter your text message content and click Next Step. For more info, see Text Message Compliance

    Note: The Date & Time campaign requires additional scheduling to be defined before clicking Next Step

  5. Define your Audience segment and click Next Step. For more info, see Audience Filters

  6. Enter a unique and easy to understand campaign name for your internal reference

  7. Define the start and end dates

  8. Review and confirm by clicking to Schedule your campaign

Via Campaign Text Notification

A campaign text notification is a text message send that occurs at the time of a specified event.

  1. Navigate to Campaigns > Notifications

  2. Add a new notification

  3. Select the event that will trigger the notification and click Next. For more info, see Notification Events

  4. Enter a unique and easy to understand event name
    Note: fields may vary based on event type, enter all required information

  5. Select the to medium of the notification — in this use case, you will select Text message
    Note: Medium options will only be displayed if the integration is enabled.

  6. Enter your text message content. For more info, see Text Message Compliance

  7. Enter the start and end dates

  8. Review and Create your new notification.

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