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Points Threshold Campaign

A Points Threshold campaign allows you to set the number of points a Member needs to earn an offer. A feature of the Points Threshold offer is it can be configured to automatically earn an offer — this means when a Member has enough points (e.g. Member has 50 points at a 50 points threshold), their points will auto convert into an offer. The set points threshold value is removed from their account and an offer is added. The auto-earn will happen every time the threshold is met while the campaign is live.

When a Points Threshold is not set to automatically earn, a Member can continue to earn points on their account and when the set threshold is reached, the offer then becomes available for use. The Member does not have to use the offer at that threshold, they can continue to earn points and instead use a higher threshold offer.

Campaign Examples

  • Automatically Earned Points Threshold

    • $5 off for every 50 points earned

  • Points Threshold

    • Free Dessert at 40 points

    • $5 off at 60 points

    • $10 off at 100 points

Things to Know

  • You are limited to only one (1) active Points Threshold offer where the auto-earn is enabled. When a points threshold is set to automatically earn, there is no way for the Member to reach any higher point threshold.

  • If you plan to support both types of Points Thresholds — automatically earned and not automatically earned — it is important the automatically earned threshold is greater than all other point thresholds. Otherwise, points will automatically convert into an offer and your Member will not be able to reach the higher threshold values. For example:

  • 50 points Fountain Drink for 50 points

  • 100 points $10 off for 100 points

  • 200 points $20 Off automatically at 200 points

This works, a Member who has 199 points can use 50 or 100 points on a Free Drink or $10 off respectively. However, once they hit 200 points, this will automatically become a $20 off and their balance reduced.

  • 50 points Free Coffee for 50 points

  • 100 points $10 off automatically at 100 points

  • 200 points $20 off for 200 points

Member will not be able to reach 200 points because their balance will be deducted 100 points as soon as they reach that level and given the $10 off offer.

  • With an automatically earned Points Threshold, when a Member earns a large sum of points at a time, the points will automatically convert into multiple offers. For example, if your auto-earn threshold is 50 and the Member’s first purchase is a catering order worth $300, the Member will earn 6 offers. This also means if you are setting up a notification based on this offer being earned, mutliple notifications may be triggered to the Member’s number or email address.

Creating An Offer Campaign

Note: Points Threshold Campaigns are only available for Points Banking programs.

See Offer types for more information.

  1. Go to the Campaigns tab in the Dashboard

  2. Click the Create link in the top nav

  3. Select the Points Threshold automation

  4. Define the Point Threshold at which the offer should be available

  5. Automatically Earned will be enabled by default. Enable or disable the auto-earn feature, and click Next Step

  6. Define your offer configurations and click Next

  7. Define the target audience to receive the offer by turning on the segment and defining your audience filters. Then click Next

  8. Enter a unique campaign name for your internal reference

  9. Schedule your campaign start date and time

  10. (Optional) Schedule your campaign end date and time. If this is not defined, your campaign will be ongoing with no end date

  11. Review your campaign details and click on Schedule to create your new campaign

Points Threshold
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Points Offers

There are two types of points offers — add points and multiply points — and several ways to create these points offer for Members in your Dashboard. You can use any of the following campaign types to issue points offers:

Date & Time Campaign

Target an audience with a single-use add or a multiply points offer on a set date and time.

Example Use Cases

  • Giving points to Members based on their number of visits.

  • Giving points to Members based on their total spend over a period.

  • Multiplying points for online transactions for a limited time.


  • Date & Time points offers are not perpetual and are one-time use.

  • Depending on the audience size and complexity, it can take 30-90 minutes for everyone to be issued the offer.

See how to create a Date & Time Campaign.

Registration Campaign

Reward member’s for completing their account with bonus points.

Example Use Case

  • Give bonus points to new members for completing their account.


  • Registration points can only be earned once. It will only be added to their account once the person has completed their account setup by verifying their email address.

See how to create a Registration Campaign.

Recurring Campaign

Target an audience with a single-use add or a multiply points offer on a recurring interval.

Example Use Cases

  • Multiply points on Tuesdays for email and SMS subscribers.


  • Recurring points offers are not perpetual and are one-time use.

  • Depending on the audience size and complexity, it can take 30-90 minutes for everyone to be issued the offer.

See how to create a Recurring Campaign.

Purchase Total

Gives all Members the ability to make a purchase within the campaign live period to earn an add or multiple of points on the order. This has an unlimited usage within the campaign live period.

Example Use Cases

  • On-going multiply points earn during from 2pm to 5pm on Wednesdays for happy hour.

  • Limited time points multiplier


  • Purchase Total is always available to all Members and cannot be targeted. It can only be limited to select stores where the bonus points can be earned.

  • Can also be used to increase the base earn rate from 1 point per $1 spent to N points per $1 spent.

See how to create a Purchase Total Campaign.

Purchase Items

Gives all Members the ability to make a purchase within the campaign live period to earn an add or mutliply offer for every qualifying item. This has an unlimited usage within the campaign live period.

Example Use Cases

  • Multiplying points on


  • Purchase Items is always available to all Members and cannot be targeted. It can only be limited to select stores where the bonus points can be earned.

See how to create a Purchase Item Campaign.

Note: Date & Time and Recurring are similar, in that these points offers are issued in advance and availble in a Member’s account — this means the points offer is available to a specific Member and ready for their use until it expires. Whereas Purchase Total and Purchase Items points are not considered in a Member’s account until they make a qualfied action. A qualified action is making a purchase (for the Purchase Total campaign), or making a purchase of a qualifying item (for the Purchase Items campaign). Purchase Total and Items is not targetable to an audience. it is open to all Members to participate if they make the qualified action within the campaign live period.

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How Points Work

Earning points

There are four ways a member can earn points:

  • When a Member completes a transaction on a Spendgo integrated POS (online, in-store, or in-app), the Member can earn at a rate of 1 point per $1 spent. Points will be earned on the sum of all qualified items, rounded down to the nearest integer. For example:

Item Cost
Burger 10.75
Fries 4.50
Medium Soda 2.00
Subtotal 17.25
Points Earned 17

Earn rate

The most common earn rate is 1 point earned per $1 spent, less taxes, tip, discounts, other fees, and item exclusions.

Points are calculated based on the sum of qualified items and then rounding to the floor (e.g. $5.75+4.75=$10.50, rounded down to the nearest integer is 10). Points offers are then calculated based on this rounded down number.

It is possible to increase the earn rate for a limited time or at a specific time of day in the week to drive traffic to your stores. This can be accomplished with a Date & Time, Recurring, Purchase Total or Purchase Items campaign within your Dashboard.

Points exclusions

Item exclusions from points earn are configurable at the start of your program. These are items that will not earn points. For example, you may not want money loaded to Gift Cards to earn points.

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Add points to a Member’s account in Dashboard

How to add points to a Member’s account in Dashboard

  1. Navigate to the Support “♥” tab in the left hand side.

  2. Look up your Member by their account phone or email.

  3. Click on the “+” and select Add Points.

  4. Enter in the number of points to be added in the Quantity field.

  5. Select the reason you are adding points.

  6. Click Add.

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Offer Types

Spendgo supports multiple offers types, each having additional configurations allowing you to target the Members who receive them. You can easily create, monitor and generate follow-up actions based on a Member’s engagement. Spendgo offer types include:

Add Points

An Add Points offer allows you to give out set number of points to each Member in a selected audience.

Campaign examples

  • Give 50 points for making 3 visits this week.

Things to know

  • Add Points is only available in the Date & Time and Recurring campaign types.


A BOGO is a buy one, get one item free.

Campaign Examples

  • Buy one, get one item free on your birthday

  • Buy one burger and get a small fries free when you register

Things to know

  • The default setting is to discount the lowest valued item in the purchase. For example, if you have one $10 item and one $8 item, the $8 item will be discounted.

  • The value of the discount is based only on the price of the parent item. If there are priced modifiers that are not rolled-up into the price of the parent item, they will not be calculated as part of the discount. For example, if you have one $10 item and one $6 item with a $2 modifier, the total discount will be $6.

Discount ($)

A fixed discount is a set value to be discounted from a Member’s purchase.

Campaign examples

  • $5 Off your purchase

Things to know

  • The discount value is deducted from the basket subtotal less any exclusions. If the subtotal is less than the value of the offer, the difference is lost. For example, a $10 off is applied to a $7 purchase, the discount will be $7 and the $3 will be lost to the member.

Multiply Points

Multiply points is an offer that multiplies the points earned on a Member’s purchase.

Campaign examples

  • Earn 3x points happy hour

  • Add any dessert to your purchase and get 2x points on your entire order

  • Get 2x points on coffee after 2pm

Things to know

  • The basket subtotal is the sum of all qualifying items — this means tax, tip, and most other service charges will not be included.

  • Items that have been marked non-qualifying to earn points in the main program will also not qualify to earn bonus points.

Percent Discount

Percent Discount is a set percentage discounted from a Member’s purchase.

Campaign examples

  • 10% off a purchase

Things to know

  • This discount value is calculated based on the basket subtotal. The basket subtotal is the sum of all qualifying items — this means tax, tip, and most other service charges will not be included.

  • Some items will not be included in the discount value, when items have been marked as non-qualifying for discounting. For example, alcohol items may not want to be discounted. If a purchase includes one $6 beer and one $10 burger, plus a 10% discount — the percent discount will be $1, excluding the beer from the discount.

Price Adjustment

Price Adjustment is an offer which adjusts price of items item.

Campaign examples

  • $5 sandwich Tuesdays

Things to know

  • The discount value is calculated based on the difference between the normal price and the discounted price of the item. For example, if the item is $8 and the discounted price is $5. The discount value will be $3 discount.

  • The price adjustment will always apply to all the items in the order which match the redemption item group.

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Getting Started with Infobip Email

If you are using Infobip as your email provider, there are several steps they require before you start sending emails to your Members. This process will take coordination with your Spendgo Integrations specialist to enable.

What to expect

The following are the steps and options to configure your Infobip integration:

  • Access to Infobip Portal
    Get access to your Infobip Portal. Please contact your Customer Success Manager for support.

  • Create a welcome email template
    Design your Welcome email template to be delivered to newly signed up Members.

  • Customize your domain
    If you want to send email from your own domain, please contact your Customer Success Manager for support. This step requires someone with knowledge of your domain hosting services.

  • Enable Infobip as your email provider
    Once the welcome template is ready and your custom domain (optional) is verified, your email integration with Infobip can be fully enabled. Spendgo will configure this for you.

  • Warm up your domain
    To ensure your custom domain establishes a postitive sender reputation and better deliverability, Infobip requires a warm up process.

Access to Infobip Portal

Please provide the following details to your Customer Success Manager for Admin access to your Infobip portal:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Mobile Number (required for two-factor authentication)

  • Email

An email will be sent directly to the contact’s email from Infobip with instructions on how to set their password. Once logged in, additional users can be added and email templates can be generated.
Note: We recommend not to send any emails until your domain has been verified and the integration fully enabled by the Spendgo team.

Create a welcome email template

Here’s a quick step-by-step instruction on how to create your template:

  1. Go to Moments > Templates in the left navigation bar

  2. Select "Content Email Template”

  3. Click “Create Template"

  4. Design your template, name, and save the content template

  5. Please email your Spendgo contact when complete with the following details:

    1. Welcome content template name (e.g. Welcome to Loyalty)

    2. The Welcome email subject you want to go out to Members(e.g. Welcome to Brand Rewards)

    3. Sender name (e.g. Brand Rewards)

    4. Sender email address (e.g.

  6. Spendgo will configure your welcome email flow, test and confirm your integration is enabled. Once your domain has been verified email integration is enabled, you can begin your domain warm up at any time.

Customize your domain

For more information from Infobip, please see Infobip’s Register A New Domain guide.

Infobip Authenticate your domain
  1. Log into your Infobip portal and navigate to Channels & Numbers > Email

  2. Click Add New > Domain button

  3. Enter your subdomain (e.g. you will be using to send emails. Your domain must not already be in use.

  4. Enter your daily send volume

  5. Maintain the recommended DKIM length of 2048 bit

  6. Select your domain purpose. Most commonly, this will be configured for Marketing.

  7. Click “Set up domain” button. The next screen will show you the DNS records to be mapped to your subdomain.

  8. Go to your hosting provider and map the records. No other records should be associated with this domain. It can take up to 48 hours to propogate. You can check using a public tool and fetch for your records to confirm your setup is complete.

    Here is a list of some of the most common domain/hosting providers on how to edit TXT records:

  9. Navigate back to the Infobip portal > Channels & Numbers > to manage your domain.

  10. Click the “Verify” button. When verified, a green check icon will display by each record and the domain status will be updated from “unverified” to “verified”.

    1. If your domain has been successfully verified, you are ready to warm up your domain.

    2. If your domain is not verified or partially verified, review the records that have a red warning icon. You can check using a public tool and fetch for your records to confirm your setup matches exactly the records provided, and aligns with the requirements of your hosting provider. Once you update the configuration, you will have to reverifiy the records. Changes can take up to 48 hours to propogate.

For additional support you can also reach out to Spendgo Integrations or Infobip Support directly.

Domain Warm Up

For more information from Infobip, please see Infobip’s Automated Warmup guide.

Domain warming is the process of establishing a positive sending reputation with Internet Services Providers (ISPs) and avoiding spam folders. Before you start, here are some pointers to ensure your warm up is done to the best of its ability and boosts deliverability: 

  • Clean email databases by removing invalid emails

  • Only send emails to recipients who have signed up/opted in 

  • Do not purchase lists on scrape sites 

If your bounce rate exceeds 5% of the total traffic over the last 24 hours, the service will be temporarily blocked. This ensures your reputation remains established and doesn’t portray a high bounce rate. If you are temporarily blocked, please reach out to us for assistance.

Note: Your custom domain must first be verified before continuing onto this step.

To start the automated warm up process, create a broadcast campaign to be sent to your entire audience (assuming it’s been cleaned).
IMPORTANT Note: Depending on your entire audience size, expect your email campaign to be delivered over several days. See below for the number of days. For this reason, ensure your campaign content is not time sensitive.

  1. Navigate to Communications > Create Broadcast button

  2. Set the channel type to Email

  3. Enter in your email campaign details and create your template design
    Note: DO NOT update the Advanced Settings.

  4. Continue to preview your email and launch.

  5. Send at least 1 marketing email to your audience a month to keep your domain warmed.

The number of days it will take to send and warm-up will vary based on your audience size. By default, your daily send volume starts at 200 sends and will increase after every 24 hours and 5 minutes as your domain begins to warm up. At this time you will not be able to run any parallel email campaigns until your domain has been warmed. Below are the daily volume increments:

Day 1: 200 sends

Day 2: 500 sends

Day 3: 1,000 sends

Day 4: 2,000 sends

Day 5: 5,000 sends

Day 6: 10,000 sends

Day 7: 20,000 sends

Day 8: 40,000 sends

Day 9: 100,000 sends

Day 10: 250,000 sends

Day 11: 500,000 sends

Day 12: 1,000,000 sends

Day 13: 2,000,000 sends

Day 14: 5,000,000 sends

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Notification Placeholders

Spendgo offers placeholders for dynamic information. Place the placeholder within your message to add personalized or dynamic content. The following list outline all the available placeholders to you.

Placeholders are currently supported in the Emma and Mailchimp email integrations.

Placeholder Name Description Example
event_name The name of the event offer_earned
campaign_id The associated campaign id with the event 12345
created_at The UTC timestamp of the event 2020-06-10T00:00:00Z
event_source The source of the event
event_store_code The store code where the event took place 99999
spendgo_id The member's unique Spendgo id 1234567890
first_name The member's first name Sophia
last_name The member's last name Smith
dob The member's date of birth 1998-11-12
gender The member's gender F
postal_code The member's postal_code 90210
favorite_store_code The member's favorite store code 99999
email The member's email
phoe The member's phone number 5555555555
sms_optin The member's text message subscription status true
email_optin The member's email subscription status true
password_reset_link The member's unique password reset link generated upon request to reset password
loyalty_status The member's loyalty status activated
loyalty_units The loyalty program units are either "points", "stamps" or "visits" points
balance The members loyalty balance in points, stamps or visits 40
next_reward_at The unit threshold to the next reward 50
next_reward_at The number of units till the next reward 10
reward_name The name of the reward linked to event $5 Off
reward_code The promo code associated with the reward linked to event WELCOME
reward_expiration The reward linked to event expiration UTC timestamp 2020-07-10T00:00:00Z
reward_value The value of the reward in points (when applicable) 50

For more details on how to use placeholders within your templates, please review your provider’s guides as implementation will be different per platform.


If your content includes:

Congrats, you’ve earned [%reward_name%]!

When a $5 Off reward is earned your recipient will see, “Congrats, you've earned $5 Off!”


For MailChimp

See MailChimp API Merge Tags

If your content includes:
Congrats, you've earned *|reward_name|*!

If your content includes:

Congrats, you’ve earned *|EVENT:reward_name|*!

When a $5 Off reward is earned your recipient will see, “Congrats, you've earned $5 Off!”

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For Businesses, Customer Support Spendgo For Businesses, Customer Support Spendgo

Support Events

Support events includes transactions that you can filter and manage from within the dashboard.

Link a transaction

Members sometimes forget to enter in their phone number at the time of their purchase and would like to claim their earnings post-transaction, for this, you can link a transaction to the member.

  1. Navigate to Support > Events

  2. Use the filters to find the specific transaction.
    Note: Selecting one day and the store location of the transaction are always required at minimum to filter through the events.

  3. Once you’ve located the transaction, click Manage > Link

  4. Enter in the member phone number to be linked to the transaction and click Link

Transfer a transaction

In some cases, the wrong transaction was claimed or a member wants to transfer their transaction to a different account, for this you can transfer the transaction to a new member.

  1. Navigate to Support > Events

  2. Use the filters to find the specific transaction.
    Note: Selecting one day and the store location of the transaction are always required at minimum to filter through the events. The transaction must already be assigned to a member in order to be transferred.

  3. Once you’ve located the transaction, click Manage > Transfer

  4. Enter in the new member phone number to transfer the transaction to and click Transfer

Unlink a transaction

If the wrong transaction was claimed, for this you can unlink the transaction from a member.

  1. Navigate to Support > Events

  2. Use the filters to find the specific transaction.
    Note: Selecting one day and the store location of the transaction are always required at minimum to filter through the events. The transaction must already be assigned to a member in order to be unlinked.

  3. Once you’ve located the transaction, click Manage > Unlink

  4. Review and confirm by clicking Unlink

View a transaction

View the details of a transaction — line-items, discounts, etc.

  1. Navigate to Support > Events

  2. Use the filters to find the specific transaction.
    Note: Selecting one day and the store location of the transaction are always required at minimum to filter through the events.

  3. Once you’ve located the transaction, click Manage > View

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Requested Password Reset

When a member requests a password reset, they must provide their account email through the Member Portal forgot password page or through the Spendgo APIs. Once this request has been submitted, the member will be sent a password reset link that directs them to provide and confirm their new password.

You have the option to define how a member can receive their password reset link — either by Spendgo’s default email notifications, text notifications, or your third party email integration.


Via Default Spendgo Email

No setup is required, this is automatically enabled using the Spendgo template and sent from ‘’.


Via Text Notification

In the Spendgo dashboard you can enable the Requested Password Reset text notification:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Notifications

  2. Create a new notification

  3. Select the notification type Requested Password Reset and click Next Step

  4. Enter a unique Event Name

  5. Define whether to require opt-in for members.
    Note: We recommend to leave require opt-in turned off; you will want all requests to receive this one-time notification.

  6. Select your medium as Text

  7. Enter in your text message content and click Next Step. For more info, see Text Message Compliance
    Note: The unique reset password link is automatically appended to the end of each member’s message on send. A placeholder link "" is displayed in the UI.

  8. Review and confirm by clicking to Create your notification


Via 3rd-Party Email Notification

The benefit of using your email integration is to send the link within your own template and from your own domain. In the Spendgo dashboard you can enable the Requested Password Reset email notification:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Notifications

  2. Create a new notification

  3. Select the notification type Requested Password Reset and click Next Step

  4. Enter a unique Event Name
    Note: Jot down the event name as you have entered it. You will use this to map your event to the mailing in your email provider platform.

  5. Select your medium as Email

  6. Review and confirm by clicking to Create your notification

  7. Log into your integrated email provider platform to create your template. Insert the reset password link placeholder into your template. See notification placeholders.

  8. Configure your event name trigger and complete the setup.

Helpful links:

Setup a custom event in Emma
Setup an automated event API in Mailchimp
Event notification placeholders

Both Emma and MailChimp require emails to be subscribed in order to send an email. This is a limitation that can result in some members not receiving their notification.

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Notifications are automated messages sent to members when a specific event occurs. There are two types of notifications that can be sent — a campaign notification and a settings notification. Below explains both:

Campaign notifications are periodically sent messages based upon the member’s loyalty activity. For instance, if a member earns a specific offer, you can trigger an email message to notify them each time the offer is earned encouraging them to make a purchase and redeem it. Campaign notifications always require the member to be subscribed to send them the notification (e.g. they must be subscribed to your email and/or text messages).

  • Offer earned - send a notification when a member earns a specific campaign offer.

  • Offer used - send a notification when a member uses a specific campaign offer.

  • Reward earned - send a notification when a member earns a reward.

  • Reward used - send a notification when a member uses a reward.

Settings notifications are one-time messages typically expected, as it contains information the member wants to check or confirm, such as when they request to reset their password or have completed an order, you can send a notification about those events.

  • Add points (via Support) - when your Support team adds points to a members account, the member can be notified they were successfully added.

  • Requested Password Reset - when your members request to reset their password, you can send them an email or text notification with their unique reset password link.

Things to keep in mind

  • You must have an email or text message integration set up for the notifications to work.

  • Only subscribed members to the specific medium chosen will receive the notifications.

  • Campaign notifications ARE marketing messages, and the content options are more flexible.

  • Settings notifications ARE NOT marketing messages, members do not need to be subscribed, which means it is important to craft your message to meet the member’s expectations. Only send content that aligns with what they agreed to receive. For more information, see Text Message Compliance. You can choose to only send to subscribers by enabling the “Require Opt-In” field in the notification setup.

  • When setting up email notifications, the mailing must be configured in your email provider’s platform. See how to setup the event within your email integration provider: Emma, Infobip, or Mailchimp.


Create Notification

Text Notification

For Campaign notifications, navigate to Campaigns > Notifications. For Settings notifications, navigate to Settings > Notifications.

  1. Add + a new notification.

  2. Select the event that will trigger the notification and click Next.

  3. Enter a unique and easy to understand event name.
    Notes: Additional required fields may vary based on event type, enter all required information.

  4. Select text as the medium.
    Note: Medium options will only be displayed if the integration is enabled.

  5. Enter your text message content. See Text Message Compliance for content guidelines.

  6. Enter the start and end dates.

  7. Review and Create your new notification.


Email Notification

For Campaign notifications, navigate to Campaigns > Notifications. For Settings notifications, navigate to Settings > Notifications.

For Emma

  1. Add + a new notification.

  2. Select the event that will trigger the notification and click Next.

  3. Enter a unique and easy to understand event name.
    Notes: Additional required fields may vary based on event type, enter all required information.

  4. Select email as the medium.

  5. Jot down the event name as you have entered it. You will use this to map your event to the mailing within your email provider’s platform.

  6. Enter the start and end dates.

  7. Review and Create your new notification.

  8. Log in to Emma and navigate to the Automation page.

  9. Create new workflow.

  10. Name your workflow.

  11. (Optional) Choose an audience if you want to further segment sends.

  12. Choose your event trigger, select Custom API Event and click Next.

  13. Create the filter statement (ex. event_name equals reward_earned) and click Next.
    Key = “event_name
    condition remains “equals”
    Value = the exact event name that you jotted down in Step 5

  14. Select send every time event is triggered, click Next, and then Confirm.

  15. Add action to workflow to send email and follow the onscreen instructions to design your mailing template.

  16. Activate the workflow and Save workflow to turn on the notifications.

Visit Emma for more documentation on how to trigger custom events.

Location of Infobip template ID

Location of Infobip template ID

For Infobip

  1. Add + a new notification.

  2. Select the event that will trigger the notification and click Next.

  3. Enter a unique and easy to understand event name.
    Notes: Additional required fields may vary based on event type, enter all required information.

  4. Select email as the medium.

  5. Enter the template id of the mailing you want to send on the event.
    You can either get the template id # from the bottom right corner of the template module. If you have not already created your template, create your template.

    Notes: Only Infobip “Broadcast” Templates can be used for notifications.

  6. Enter the start and end dates.

  7. Review and Create your new notification.


For Mailchimp

  1. Add + a new notification.

  2. Select the event that will trigger the notification and click Next.

  3. Enter a unique and easy to understand event name.
    Notes: Additional required fields may vary based on event type, enter all required information.

  4. Select email as the medium.
    Note: Medium options will only be displayed if the integration is enabled.

  5. Jot down the event name as you have entered it. You will use this to map your event to the mailing within Mailchimp.

  6. Enter the start and end dates.

  7. Review and Create your new notification.

  8. Log in to your Mailchimp and navigate to Automations.

  9. Create an automated Event API email.

  10. Name your campaign and Begin.

  11. Edit the trigger.

  12. Set the delay to immediately.

  13. Enter the the exact event name that you jotted down in Step 5 and click Update trigger.

  14. Design or select your email template, Save And Continue.

  15. Confirm your settings and click Start sending.


Edit Notification

For Campaign notifications, navigate to Campaigns > Notifications. For Settings notifications, navigate to Settings > Notifications.

  1. Select Manage > Edit in the row of the notification you intend to edit.

  2. Enter your updates and Save Changes.


Delete Notification

For Campaign notifications, navigate to Campaigns > Notifications. For Settings notifications, navigate to Settings > Notifications.

  1. Select Manage > Delete in the row of the notification you intend to delete.

  2. Click Delete to confirm.
    A Delete cannot be undone once confirmed.

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